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San Diego County, CA | November 8, 2005 Election |
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EndorsementsBy Carolyn ChaseCandidate for Council Member; City of San Diego; District 2 |
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We've invited individual endorsers to post their comments about why they are supporting Carolyn Chase for City CouncilThe following is a partial list of individuals who have endorsed Carolyn's candidacy, plus some quotes they have offered for official attribution. Organization names are provided for identification purposes only, and do not represent endorsement by those organizations. Richard V. Anthony John P. Atkinson, Computer Consultant "Carolyn Chase is the model `involved citizen.' For over twenty years, I have witnessed her engaging in issues that matter most to people like you and me. Carolyn understands the `big picture` of our city`s issues, but never loses sight of the impact these issues have on individual citizens. Her ethics are my ethics, and your ethics, too. Carolyn stands for what's right and sustainable. More importantly, Carolyn stands for what makes sense and what works. That's what I want for San Diego." Jordana Beebe "In my personal interactions with Carolyn and knowing about her efforts to guide the City in the right direction, I know that she is honest, has integrity, and really only has the best interests of the San Diego region and District 2 when she makes decisions. She's well thought out, knowing that most issues and policies are not black and white, and does her homework before making difficult decisions that face City leaders. Carolyn would be nothing but an asset in making decisions for her constituents and weighing in at City Hall." Ravi Bhola, Business Consultant "I have known Carolyn for a long time. She is very honest, commited,and full of energy. She has a very keen sense of being connected with the public and the issues that are important. I believe that she will make a big impact on our fantastic city." C. Mollie Bigger, Ph.D, Environmental Scientist, retired Don Billings, Management consultant Howard Blackson, Urban Designer "Carolyn intuitively understands how and why neighborhoods work. Through her Planning Commission tenure, she has experienced how and why a very public process is imperative to rebuilding neighborhoods." Eric Bowlby, Canyons Campaign Coordinator Diane Coombs Kevin Cornwall Wallace Danielson "You're knowledgeable, bright, civic minded, honest, have the best interests of the city and its citizens in mind, and would be a refreshing change." Helen Duffy "Carolyn offers both the breadth and depth of knowledge and skill required as part of San Diego's leadership team during these difficult times. Although an unpaid volunteer, her role on the Planning Commission has enabled her to have working contacts with all city departments and to be able to hit the ground running. She"s well beyond the learning curve. She understands budgets, issues, and people and is ready to go to work for San Diego." Andrea Eaton Martin Eder, College Teacher, Ex. Director, Activist San Diego "Carolyn is exactly what the SD City Council and Dist. 2 needs; Carolyn is persistent, consistent and thoroughly honest. Nobody will buy her vote! If you are sick of having the developers buying votes, then Carolyn is our protection. Carolyn does her homework. She is not in this race for the money or power; she genuinely cares about the entire community and the sustainability of our quality of life for future generations. Intelligence and caring are rare qualities for in a citizen-leader; and that is precisely what we have in Carolyn." Anne Ewing Ann T. Fathy Arlene Fink, San Diego County Teacher of the Year Keith Fink, University Marine Laboratory Manager John Patrick Ford, Retired CPA "I have known Carolyn's work with the Sierra Club and as an informed community planner. I am also impressed with her concern for low-income senior housing and other services to the needy elders of San Diego. I presently serve as Chairman of the City Council appointed Senior Affairs Advisory Board and as Chairman of Community Eldercare of San Diego, an affiliate of St. Paul's Retirement Homes and Services." Pat Gallagher, Activist Willie M. Gaters, Small Business Owner Bonnie Gendron "You have the integrity, intelligence, sound judgment and proven commitment, as well as the experience in city hall that it takes to make an extraordinary council person." Sanford and Frances Goodkin Captain Nancy Goodrich, SD Police Dept., retired Kari Gray "Carolyn has committed her entire life to creating a healthier, prosperous world. She is smart, works hard, tells the truth, pays attention to details, expects the best from other people, and is punctual. San Diego deserves the energy and commitment of Carolyn Chase." Vicki Granowitz Paul Harris Janet Hawes Lawrence Hogue, author Stuart H. Hurlbert, Director, SDSU Center for Inland Waters "Carolyn is the kind of brilliant, energetic, civic-minded, well-informed candidate too rarely found in the lists for any political office." Dustin Johnston "You are moral and will work for the people rather than exploit them." Elmer A "Burr" Keen Joyce Lain Kennedy, Syndicated Columnist "People enjoy interacting with Carolyn because she can be counted on to cut through the spin and bring a fresh and interesting perspective to the murkiest of complex issues. ...Carolyn is better prepared than virtually anyone to bring a mop and pail -- no, make that a fire hose! -- to the corridors of City Hall." Doug Lappi "Carolyn has the experience and vision to see San Diego through this difficult period!" Tom Leech, Outdoors Writer, Consultant, Author "Cast your vote for Carolyn Chase. She has the right handle on the key issues to keep San Diego more livable." Dr. David Libs "You demand fairness, honesty and make people accountable in what ever they do and that's why people love you. All problems of government can be resolved by reason. Politicians scatter with reason, it doesn't compute. It's not on their agenda. We can't continue to afford the exploitation of ignorance for the sake of fancied gain. That's why we need people like you." Dr. Lori Libs, "Finally, a politician who makes sense!" Barbara Lind "You will make a great city council member because you: + Ask the tough questions + Have a good BS-detector + Don't get rebuffed + Are not beholden to special interests + Study issues rather than shoot from the hip." + Barb Lind Jacqueline Lizar Chuck Lowery, Pacific Bakery, Inc. Marlene Mariani "Carolyn is a bright, energetic, innovative leader. The City of San Diego desperately needs her kind of leadership." Carol McCaffery, Consultant "I fully support Carolyn's commitment and trust her to do the best she can for San Diego. We certainly need people of integrity on the city council and Carolyn has this great quality." Michael Thomas Miller, Broker "A most committed, honest, and genuine person who will make a difference. she is uniquely qualified to inject a breath of fresh air into San Diego politics. You are a lucky community to have her run for City Council." Rev. Peter Moore-Kochlacs Erica Krimmel, Student "Earthday is an amazing event, and Carolyn is an amazing women to pull it off. After volunteering at Earthday for several years, I am continually impressed by its smooth organization and wonderful success." Shannon Muhall "In addition to being very articulate and accessible, the thing that most struck me about you was how you balance conviction with realism. Your pragmatic approach could product concrete results." Judith Munk Dr. Walter Munk Carolyn Myhre Kevin Nicolls Frank Paiano "I think you'd be a fabulous council member. You have integrity, honesty, and intelligence - all the things that the moneyed power brokers hate." Kathy Parrish, Community College Professor, native San Diegan Keith Pezzoli, Professor, UCSD "Carolyn Chase will be an outstanding councilwoman. She is smart, honest, forward-looking, critical yet constructive, and full of hard-earned experience working for the common good. I teach in the Urban Studies and Planning Program at UC San Diego. Over the past decade, I've repeatedly asked Carolyn to guest lecture in some of my planning classes. She agrees every time, and always delivers a skillful presentation + clear language, focused content, and powerful message. I especially admire her vision with a creative eye for integrating social justice, economic efficiency and healthy environmental stewardship." Una Marie Pierce, retired teacher Keith Pilotti "You have long expressed a voice that is wise and truthful, something our government sincerely needs." Gary Piro, Civil Engineer/Developer/Former County Planning Commissioner "Carolyn has inspired me to believe that growth needs can be met with `environmental sensitivity'. " William Post Buz Rahe Ellen Revelle Richard Santini, Pharmaceutical Scientist Chris Schmidt, Transportation Planner "Carolyn has always looked out for San Diegans and our environment. She has asked the tough questions as a Planning Commissioner and is able to find solutions to challenging problems. She is the right candidate given the challenges facing the city. Her commitment is unwaivering and she is an inspirational force." Carrie Schneider "Carolyn's thoughtful opinions on a wide range of topics, from air quality to mass transportation, makes her one of the opinion leaders in San Diego. Carolyn's attitude is that pollution and other social problems are not partisan issues and it's time for everyone to stand up and do something effective so that we can have the City that we dream of." Michael Shames, Utility Consumer Advocate "I've worked with Carolyn over many years and she's repeatedly proven her formidable analytic skills, moderate temperament and her unswerving commitment to advocate on behalf of the public and to protect San Diego's fragile environmental assets." Doug Sheres "You are better versed in the issues than just about anyone, have offered a consistent opinion on these same issues, have been right, and the City truly needs your help!" Bruce Sherman, Registered Investment Advisor Craig A. Sherman, attorney Dr. Valerie Shields, Elementary school principal Joe Silverman, member, Balboa Park Rec. Council John Stump, attorney Steve Sullivan, CEO, Sullivan International Group "Over the past 15 years, Carolyn's involvement in the community has been instrumental for the continued development of the greater San Diego Region with a passion for ensuring that responsible environmental stewardship was incorporated into many historic San Diego milestones. "Specifically, her work improving developments by reconciling issues for the good of all demonstrates her innate ability to concede without sacrifice for the greater good of our community. "Participating as a new member of the San Diego City Council will be a natural transition for Carolyn, with more than 20 years of community service in the region and most recently as the City of San Diego's planning Commissioner, her "real time" ability to understand and quickly respond to both daily and strategic priorities makes her a perfect candidate to help deal with San Diego's financial crisis while still addressing the routine issues that effect all San Diegans on a regular basis." Dr. Mark H. Thiemens, Professor, UCSD "As an environmental scientist, I am deeply interested in having the results of our research be useful to people who can help make important decisions and influence people's lives. Carolyn Chase is one of those leaders who have made these critical links that make a major difference. "Many people speak about working collectively across disciplines and interests. In point of fact, this is extraordinarily difficult to achieve and precious few achieve this. Carolyn is the exception. I have observed the incredible range of activities and, most importantly, the accomplishments she has achieved. Her depth of understanding is deep and broad and her commitment extraordinary. She has the right expertise at precisely the right time for the City Council." Teresa (Terry) Thomas, Prof. Emeritus, Microbiology and Environmental Biology, Southwestern College "Carolyn, I will be supporting your City Council candidacy with my colleagues and compadres living in San Diego. You will be a great proponent for San Diego and its community's environmental and economic sustainability, enhanced quality of life. You possess the outstanding intelligence, critical and creative thinking, teamwork experience, and representative leadership, collaboration, innovation and integrity required for the economic and social benefits of your District residents, and also San Diego tourists, military, business/industry, municipal employees, service institutions, health and safety providers and regional neighbors. In my observation, you also possess very valuable assets needed at this time of crises in our failing infrastructure, economic stature, and deficit in collaboration + your special gifts of common sense and focus." Ann Van Leer Captain Bob Wear, San Diego Fire Dept., retired Leo Wilson Don Wood, Senior Policy Advisor "Carolyn is well versed in most of the major problems facing San Diego and, if elected, she will be part of the solution instead of part of the problem." Carole Ziegler "We need more honest voices downtown." George Zilinsky, High School Science Teacher John J. Zimmerman, Peace Officer |
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