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Full Biography for Doug Clough
Candidate for |
Hi, I would like to introduce myself. I am Doug Clough, and I am a candidate for Lathrop City Council. I have lived in Lathrop for approximately 13 years, 12 of that on 5th St. I have been married for 24 years have four children, who have all attended Lathrop School, and Sierra High School. I am NOT a politician, I am a working family man and I feel that I can bring a new perspective to the council. I am not soliciting or accepting campaign contributions from anyone. If I am elected, the only people I will "owe" are the people of Lathrop. All I ask for is your support, and for you to tell your friends and neighbors about me, and of course I would appreciate your vote on November 8th. Please take the time to read further and see my position on several of the issues we face. And feel free to contact me with questions or comments on these issues or any others. Phone - (209) 471-4434 E-mail The Issues: Growth: Currently Lathrop has 20-30 years worth of growth already approved. Being for or against growth is not really an issue anymore. We need to make sure that this growth is properly managed, and that the quality of life in Lathrop is not sacrificed just so that developers can make maximum profits. People considering buying new homes west of I-5 should be given a presentation on previous floods, including pictures of the flooded areas (especially 1997) , and then shown what has been done since then to minimize the potential to flood in the future, so that they may make an informed decision. I would also like to make sure that the promises made to the people of Lathrop are kept, and that projects on the east side of 205 are needed and meaningful, not just a token waste of money. East and West are geographical terms, not a division of the city. most cities have different neighborhoods with varying ages, styles and qualities. this provides diversity and variety within our city. the older neighborhoods provide a rural feel that is getting hard to find, and should be considered an asset, rather than blight. Redevelopment: I am not in favor of traditional redevelopment as previously proposed and voted down by the voters of Lathrop (twice), but I would be in favor of a program that would encourage and assist people to improve their property, with low rate, easy qualifying financing, as long as imminent domain power is NOT involved. I am in favor of individuals property rights, including the right to store your RV and/or Boat on your own property Jobs: We need local jobs of all categories. High wage jobs that you can support a family on, as well as entry level jobs with advancement potential for youths and adults that are re-entering the work force Seniors: I think the senior center is a great asset for our community, and I feel it is important to keep our seniors physically and mentally active. Not being a senior myself, I will have to rely on the seniors themselves to suggest improvements to the senior programs. I do know that the rapidly escalating cost of living affects seniors and others on fixed incomes even more than the rest of us, and I can see a need for increasing senior discounts on the water and garbage bills. I feel that we also need to continue a taxi voucher program or have a dial-a-ride service available to seniors who don't drive. Police: I feel that we are well served by our contract with the sheriff's dept. for our police services, and that we are years away from it being financially feasible for us to have our own police department. Thank-You, Doug Clough |
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