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Measure O Eminent Domain Authority City of Half Moon Bay Advisory Measure - Majority Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Nov 30 9:53am, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (8/8) |
Information shown below: Arguments | | |||
Do you want the City of Half Moon Bay to adopt the policy that it will exercise its eminent domain authority only in cases where the stated "public use" necessitating the acquisition of private property will not primarily be based on the City's desire for "increased City revenue?" Yes ________ No _________
Arguments For Measure O |
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Susette Kelo v. City of New London
case was delivered on June 23, 2005, in a 5 to 4 decision. By holding that the
prospective increased tax revenues that New London could get from economic
development caused by transferring Ms. Kelo's property to a private developer
met the standard of "public use," the City was empowered to exercise eminent
domain to take her home away from her.
Ms. Kelo's home was not "blighted." Her property was not needed for a highway, a school, a park or a public work of any sort. Her property was only needed for a commercial development that would generate increased tax revenue. Except when used for roadbuilding or similar public works, the citizens of Half Moon Bay have had an historical antipathy to Eminent Domain, the most vivid example of which was the defeat by a vote of twotoone of the North Wavecrest Redevelopment project at the polls in 1995. We believe the citizens of Half Moon Bay would like to clearly advise its present City Council and future City Councils that the citizens do not want them to take advantage of any perceived increase in its eminent domain power construed from the United States Supreme Court's decision in Kelo by confiscating unblighted property merely at the prospect of increased tax revenue. We, the undersigned, plan to join you in that vote by voting Yes on Measure "O" on November 8. The undersigned proponent(s) or author(s) of the primary argument in favor of Ballot Measure O at the Consolidated Election for the City of Half Moon Bay to be held on November 8, 2005, hereby state that such argument is true and correct to the best of ______________(his/her/their) knowledge and belief. Signed Date Mike Ferreira Half Moon Bay City Councilmember August 19, 2005 Marina Fraser Half Moon Bay City Councilmember August 19, 2005 David Gorn Half Moon Bay City Councilmember August 19, 2005 Jim Grady Half Moon Bay City Councilmember August 19, 2005 Toni Taylor Half Moon Bay City Councilmember August 19, 2005
(No arguments against Measure O were submitted) |