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Sam Malone
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The questions were prepared by the LWV Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).
1. What are your Qualifications for Office? (50 word limit)
Councilman - Cincinnati City Council, Vice Chair + Health, Tourism, Small Business Committee, Member + Finance Committee, Member + Audit Committee, Former President - Bond Hill Community Council, Former Vice President + Bond Hill Urban Redevelopment Corporation, Founder + Community Council Presidential Partnership, Founder + The Little Library That Could Committee, Organizer + Stop The Violence Rally
2. What plans do you have to address your top three priorities? (100 word limit)
1. Target and address problem of gun violence by juveniles and young adults through community/police partnerships. Target and address problem of gang strongholds in hot-spot communities through community/police partnerships. Target and address recidivism rates by expanding ex-offender support programs through faith-based and community based ventures. Supporting law enforcement remains a top priority for me. Supporting the community is an equal priority, and I will continue to do this through mentor and support programs (CYC's S.P.A.R.K. program) and ex-offender programs and services (2nd Chance Summit).
2. Expand tax-base through increased homeownership opportunities and identify and eliminate government waste in taxes and spending.
3. Strengthen community business districts by focusing on small business development collaboratives and partnerships. Improve community development through increased opportunities for faith-based/community based social service programs.
3. What steps would you take to ensure that all public facilities are accessible to people with disabilities? (100 words limit)
As a former member of the Hamilton County Mental Health Board, I am very sensitive to and concerned about the wellbeing of people with disabilities. That said, I will work with my colleagues on Council to ensure that Cincinnati is actively abiding by the Assistive Technology Act, which assists states in providing assistive technology such as wheelchairs, communication devices, computer hardware, and other technologies to individuals with disabilities. I want to make sure that Cincinnati is actively investing in the best programs that provide assistive technology. It's all about Equal Rights and Equal Access.
4. What specific steps will you take to expand recycling services in your community? (100 words limit)
Recycling in Cincinnati is enormously popular. I would like to increase the awareness and education in my community by promoting the benefits of post-consumer recycled materials that supply public facilities and parks with benches, picnic tables, and trash receptacles. By supporting these kinds of efforts, neighborhoods throughout our city can be in a better position to take advantage of the 50% grant offered through The Ohio Division of Recycling and Litter Prevention on the first-time purchase of goods made from at least 10% recycled material.
5. What steps would you take to provide affordable housing for all residents of your community? (100 words limit)
Earlier this year, I co-sponsored the Homeownership Creation Act of 2005. This initiative was designed to increase homeownership for first-time homebuyers by offering a $2500 income tax break for five years ($500/year). This can increase our taxbase, stimulate housing development, and make homeownership a more realistic option for low and middle income residents. Additionally, with traffic congestion increasing, living within City limits is becoming more and more attractive. I want to examine the benefits of workforce housing incentives so working class citizens can have increased opportunities for homeownership through the assistance of employment based housing programs.
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