This information is provided by the candidate
I am seeking a position on the City of Cincinnati City Council as an independent candidate unendorsed by any political party, by choice. I am not engaging in any fund raising activities and I do not intend to spend any funds on my campaign. I believe that the vast sum of money spent on political campaigns is obscene. I recognize that my chances of being elected following this philosphy are slim at best but when I decided to enter the fray I decided to do it my way. My primary reason for deciding to seek a seat on City Council was my frustration with the continuing slide, both real and imaginary, of this great city. Rather than sit back and do nothing I decided that I have enough common sense and intelligence to become part of a team at City Hall which will work together to restore Cincinnati to the status it deserves. This city is populated by many wonderful people of many races, religions, ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations, the vast majority of whom care as much as I do about Cincinnati. I believe that a strong unified City Council representing the interests of all of the City's citizens is the first step necessary to restoring the pride of all of us in Cincinnati.