(Vote for 2)
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name for additional information supplied by candidate.
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Bob Henderson
4,938 votes
- Occupation: Incumbent
- Ownes and operates Hendersons Insurance Agency, Inc.
- Whittier Schools, Whittier High School and Graduate of USC
- Encourage smart economic growth that also reflects the quality of Whittier
- Continue support for public safety by backing community based policing
- Continue expanding the preservation of our hills and expanding opportunites for outdoor education
Greg Nordbak
4,635 votes
Joe Marsico
1,342 votes
Basic candidate data supplied by the applicable elections official.
All candidates have been invited to supply additional information to Smart Voter.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
Candidates Answer Questions
The League of Women Voters of Los Angeles County, an Inter-League Organization, and constituent Local Leagues as available in communities holding elections on April 11, 2006 has asked
all candidates for this office to respond to
3 questions on Public Safety, Development, and Library Services.
Official Information
- City of Whittier
Resource Material
- L.A. Almanac
Candidate Forums
- Thursday March 16 (7:30-9:30 p.m.)
- Whittier City Hall Council Chambers,
12320 E. Penn St.; sponsor: LWV Whittier; info: 562-947-5818 (Questions from the audience must be written and must not attack indiividuals.)
- Wednesday, March 22, 2006 (6:00 p.m.)
- Crystal Marquis, 13007 Philadelphia St.; sponsors: Chamber of Commerce & Whittier Uptown Association; info: 562 698-9554 (Questions will be drafted by the Chamber Legislative & Economic Development Comm. and the Uptown Assn.'s Public Policy Comm. Audience members will also be able to submit written questions to the candidates.)
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Links to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.