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Los Angeles County, CA | April 11, 2006 Election |
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For Experienced Leadership: Re-Elect Tonja Torres on April 11By Tonja TorresCandidate for Member, City Council; City of Sierra Madre |
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Sierra Madre is a friendly and safe small town with an unsurpassed quality of life, a place where my husband and I enjoy living, working and raising our two school-aged children. What a tremendous privilege it has been to serve the community as a member of the City Council for the past four years. I would be honored to serve a second term. What We Have Accomplished: Because it is small, Sierra Madre faces different, and often greater, challenges than do other, larger cities. Our more modest revenues must be stretched further, and we often rely upon volunteers to help provide services other cities pay for. We depend upon creativity and man different resources to accomplish our goals, whereas other cities might dip into their general fund. Yet, despite these challenges, look at what we have accomplished together:
Current Challenges: The future holds much promise, but challenges remain. Rising costs and state takeaways test our ability to maintain a sustainable budget, correct decades of deferred maintenance, and still hold onto the local institutions we cherish, including police fire, the library, and community services. I have always believed the community is better-served when services are provided locally, rather than through a neighboring agency, or the county. But our ability to continue to provide those services while addressing critical infrastructure needs requires a carefully balanced approach + a combination of long-term planning, creativity, and a frank and open discussion of the alternatives if the necessary resources cannot easily be found. This issue has significantly occupied the Council's deliberations in my time as a Council Member and Mayor Pro Tem. I remain committed to finding this balanced approach so we can keep important services within local control. After all, we're all in this together. The Future: Sierra Madre is far more than just a quaint small town in the foothills. It is our beloved home, and our cherished refuge from the larger world. Sierra Madre has endured, in part, because of its rich history of a strong community spirit supported by careful planning and thoughtful leadership. In my four years on the Council, we have confronted the tough issues with foresight rather than tabling them for some future council to sort out. Whether it is paying for fire equipment and training, repairing our water system, repaving our streets, updating our land use ordinances, working with the school district to complete the elementary school renovations and add a middle school, or keeping the promise of senior housing, we have met these challenges head on. In the years ahead, I am confident that our spirit of community involvement and our legacy of experienced leadership will allow us to meet any upcoming challenge. Let us celebrate our City's centennial in 2007 by honoring how far we have come, and by embracing all that is yet to be. Tonja's Experience:
If re-elected, I will continue to:
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