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Donald "Don" Watts
Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).Questions & Answers
1. Did you support Measure F in November 2005? If not, please discuss the adequacy of Sierra Madre's volunteer fire and EMT services.
I felt Measure F to be too open ended, and just a way to create a parcel tax, which hurts people on fixed and low incomes. It is a tax on land owners, and would not share the burden for paying for public services in a balanced way. Fire and EMT services have worked well for Sierra Madre as long as the city maintains it's current size. This will change if the downtown Specific Plan is passed, allowing for hundreds of high density low and moderate income housing. The plan will add hundreds of living units and much greater density to the town.This additional density will not bring significant revenue to pay for the additional city services that would be needed to support an additional population increase. As part of the plan buildings will be allowed to be 3 stories in height, creating greater risk to our volunteer fire department, and a requirement to spend several million dollars on hook and ladder trucks that can reach these taller structures.2. How can Sierra Madre best achieve the goal of hillside preservation?
The City should follow the model that Monrovia and The Hillside Conservancy has set to acquire land for preservation. In the case of the Carter Maranatha Hillside battle,the High school proposal was defeated, but at a great expense to the City and well meaning people on both sides of the project. The high school would have taken 8 acres of the property, the remaining 58 acres would have been left in its natural state, and for public access.Instead of working out a cooperative and financially beneficial solution, the town will have a housing tract with all its environmental implications. The hope is we have learned from this, and find a better solution to the future projects we will be facing.3. Which of the following sources of revenue would you favor to avoid a budget shortfall in Sierra Madre: parcel tax; utility tax; assessment district; leasing of water services?
Looking at all the cities revenue raising options,a 5 year one time only increase in the utility seems to make a great deal of sense, and should be looked at as our best short term option, as well as a longer range business development plan to bring in sales tax revenue. The people whom we depend upon to serve us and keep us safe, deserve a living wage for the hard work they do.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate are reproduced as submitted to the League.Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: March 2, 2006 05:24
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