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Political Philosophy for Eric Roach
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Eric Roach on the Issues A Conservative Voice Putting Citizens Ahead of Politics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ethics in Government We need to restore trust and confidence in our system of government. Real conservatives attack the politics of greed. That's why I say no to the arrogance of government. That's why I say no to PAC money, no to junkets, no to gifts--and no to politics as usual. We need leadership in Washington that stands up for Reform, Integrity and Conservatism! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Future Although I am concerned about the future of our families, our quality of life, our national security, the education of our children and business environment that can provide good jobs, I am hugely optimistic about the American spirit. When Americans work together, we can create real and lasting change. We need problem solvers in Washington, not talking heads! We can and should use technology to dramatically enhance the American experience. I will use my real world experience in cutting edge technology and discipline of execution, to introduce exciting alternatives in green energy, tax process, education, government accountability and a host of other issues. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Military I support a strong military. I will not sell out our soldiers, Marines, sailors, and airmen to the `cut and run' crowd that dominates the Democratic Party! I consider our Military a protected class, and we must treat them as such. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Illegal Immigration and National Security The world changed on September 11, 2001. Our borders must be strengthened to protect ourselves and our national security against economic and terrorist threats. Illegal immigration damages the economic progress and efforts of those millions of legal immigrants. The heavy burden that our local and state governments carry must be shifted to the federal government. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cutting Waste in Government and `Pork Barrel' Politics People in Washington are making decisions dictating how we live our lives. Pork barrel legislation has short changed our communities and allowed special interests to preempt our voice. One only need look at our highway funding to conclude that our interest are simply not being served. As a result, Interstates 5 and 15 are a nightmare, and yes, we can do something about it. Give decisions back to our states and our communities and stop the impact and influence of money in Washington! Our children should not be responsible for our budget disasters. We must balance our budget without raising taxes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Business Approach to Government I have experience in decision-making, dealing with people and running a successful business. We need to use technology to enhance the speed and responsiveness of government action. I will seek ways for government to solve real people problems rather than concentrating on divisive issues. I will not support raising taxes! From tax filings to compliance with government regulation, the process is too complicated and must be made user friendly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Role of Government Every new law is a restriction on our liberties and should be considered only after serious thought and careful deliberation. I believe that government serves us best when it is smaller and less costly. It's time for Republicans to renew the promises they made more than 10 years ago with the Contract with America! It is time for Republicans to start acting like Republicans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being a Conservative If I given the opportunity to serve the 50th district, I will be a strong conservative voice in Washington DC for positions that are supported by a majority of Americans and will continue to make our nation strong. I have proudly taken the NO New Taxes pledge; I will only support a balanced federal budget and will fight to make all of the President's tax cuts permanent. The institution of marriage is the bedrock of our civilization and is rightly defined as the lawful union of one man and one woman. I will resist all attempts to change this definition and any tax or regulatory policies that punish or weaken the families of America. Like almost all Americans, I believe that we must keep "Under God" in our Pledge of Allegiance and that the Boy Scouts of America should not be discriminated against because they believe in God. I am a Pro-Life candidate who will support that position on any measures that come before me in the Congress. I will always be clear and consistent on this position so the people of my district know where I stand. And finally, I believe that the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution is there to protect every law-abiding citizen's right to keep and bear arms. I will vote against any attempts to weaken or abolish the 2nd Amendment. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: March 21, 2006 18:38
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