This information is provided by the candidate
California Republican Assembly of El Dorado County
Robin Delfino
Mike Sproull
Elmer & Barbara Anderson
David & Shelley Karrell
Kathy Getchel
Glenn & Becky Richard
Barbara Black
Kory & Leslie Moore
Steve & Morgan White
Mike & Linda Williams
Sam & Elaine White
Kent & Jill Vogel
Gary & Irene White
Terry Gheradi
Gary & Diane Lingle
Dennis & Judy Mathat
Garry & Joan Patrick
E.A. & Bonnie Moss
Trudye Anderson
Kathleen Verplancken
Dorothea Verplancken
Joan Verplancken
Elizabeth Stoldt
Jim & Sue Daugherty
Richard & Karen Smith
Dave & Bonnie McLane
Dan Verplancken
Donna King