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Kern County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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Renewal of No Child Left Behind September 2007By Bill McDougleCandidate for Board Member; Bakersfield City School District |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
Accountability in Public Schools? Yes. A guiding hand for struggling schools? Yes. NCLB setting goals so high that 90% of public schools will be "taken over" by 2014? No!I am in favor of accountability. It was placed on California schools in 1999 by the Public Schools Accountability Act. In the two years before NCLB was passed, the state established standards, implemented them in the classrooms, and was testing for results. The California Plan was working but before it could get fully established, the federal system placed huge demands on public education and commenced punishing schools that were making progress - but not fast enough - by forcing them to divert money intended for educational programs for all children into special programs for only a few. Teachers, especially new ones, began to leave the profession because of the additional stress of doing the best job they could trying to get the children in their classrooms up to federal standards and then being labeled as "Failures". The mass influx of teachers to take their places, led to public schools failing to meet NCLB mandates that all teachers be highly qualified by the end of the 2006-2007 school year. This will bring further sanctions down on districts. NCLB is underfunded. The federal government has not fulfilled its financial obligation to public education once in the five years of its governance. NCLB was written by legislators - not educators. Although some may think lawmakers would exhibit more objectivity, they do not have the empathy, having never spent a whole day in any one classroom. The main shortcoming of their legislation is that they deal with every child across America as having been cut from the same material, from the same mold. They believe a child in New York City learns at the same rate as a child in Chicago, or Salt Lake, or Los Angeles, or even Bakersfield. As I said, I am for accounability - it keeps you on your toes. But as it now exists, No Child Left Behind is cruel and unjust - not just to public schools but to the children who have teachers under pressure to "streamline" the curriculum and excise anything that is not directly related to an item on the standardized test, making the classroom no more than a rote lab, lifeless as well as academically stagnant. We need to let Washington, D.C. know. Hearings will soon be organized to discuss the repassing of No Child Left Behind and our Congressional Representatives must understand that changes need to be made in the act. Accountability? Yes. Draconian sanctions that cause public schools to be taken over by private for-profit educational "companies" or charter, or state control? No. That doesn't solve the problems of present academic achievement or future education; it only sets the stage for chaos. |
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