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Measure S Wilderness Park Expansion City of Claremont Bond Measure 8,747 / 70.80% Yes votes ...... 3,607 / 29.20% No votes
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Dec 3 2:14pm, 100.00% of Precincts Reporting (25/25) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | | ||||
To expand City protected open space, expand the Claremont Wilderness Park area, preserve the San Gabriel Valley Wildlife Corridor, and protect the area from development in perpetuity, shall the City of Claremont issue $12.5 million of bonds at tax exempt interest rates to purchase the approximately 180 acre area known as Johnson's Pasture?
General obligation bonds pledge a city’s property taxing power as security for payment of principal and interest to bond holders. Proposition 13 and Article XIIIA of the California Constitution limit the maximum amount of any ad valorem tax on real property to 1% of the full cash value of the property. Proposition 13 and Article XIIIA allow voters to increase the property tax rate above 1% in connection with bonded indebtedness if (a) two-thirds of the electors voting on the proposition approve the issuance of general obligation bonds, and (b) the general obligation bonds are to be issued to finance the acquisition or improvement of real property. The bonded indebtedness would be repaid by ad valorem taxes to be levied upon property within the City. The final maturity date of the proposed bond shall be no later than 30 years from the issuance of the bonds. The City’s estimated tax rate for the proposed bond will be approximately $32.93 per $100,000 of assessed value at the time the bonds are issued. After the bonds have been issued, it is possible that actual future assessed value could increase or decrease during the repayment period beyond the City’s estimate. In that event, the actual tax rate required to pay the debt service on the bonds could be less or more than the City’s estimated tax rate. The City Council of the City of Claremont adopted an ordinance on August 1, 2006, calling this election and submitting this Measure to a vote of the electors of the City. If a twothirds majority voting on the Measure approve it, the City may proceed to sell the bonds, levy the appropriate taxes, and purchase the open space property. A “Yes” vote on Measure S is a vote to approve and allow for the City’s sale of the bonds and imposition of the necessary taxes to pay for the bonds. A “No” vote on Measure S is a vote against the City’s sale of the bonds and imposition of the necessary taxes to pay for the bonds.
Official Information Organizations in Favor
Arguments For Measure S |
A YES vote on Measure S would confirm what Claremonters have been voicing
since the 1970s, that it is critical to preserve the hillsides and protect the
Adjacent to the Claremont Wilderness Park is Johnson’s Pasture, a pristine 183- acre hillside open space. The private owners are moving forward to sell the property. Several developers have expressed interest in purchasing the property. Johnson’s Pasture is a choice property for development because it is the only remaining level land. Claremonters consider this pasture an environmental sanctuary and an ideal place for hikers, cyclists, equestrians, and environmentalists of all ages to enjoy. It is also home to a variety of native flora and fauna, and keeping it open space is critical to secure the wildlife corridor across the San Gabriel Valley and to protect watershed. We, as your council members, believe the passage of a general obligation bond is the best option for funding the acquisition of this pasture. The average amount for each property will be only $24.73 per $100,000 of assessed property value annually. This will be less of a burden on seniors who purchased their homes many years ago. Now is the time for us, the community, to confirm our commitment to preserving open space. Vote YES and the funds from this 30-year fixed term bond would be used for the City’s debt service on the purchase of this pasture. We cannot put a price on the quickly disappearing open space in the region. With your help, Claremont has the unique opportunity to stop urban sprawl and preserve open space for future generations. Vote YES on Measure S, help preserve what makes Claremont so unique and desirable.
s/Peter Yao, Mayor
(No arguments against Measure S were submitted) |