This information is provided by the candidate
Retired Police Chief Jim Butts
Retired Police Chief James Keane
Retired Fire Chief Ettore Berardinelli
Retired Fire Chief Tom Tolman
Retired Fire Chief John Sturges
Santa Monica Councilmember Herb Katz
Coalition of Santa Monica City Employees
Judith Adams + Betsy Albright + Carol Anderson + Archie Arzooyan + Margaret Bach + Judith & Larry Beaufait + Richard Beckendorf + Dianne & Gerald Berman + John Black + Victoria Blackwood + Donna Block + John Bohn + Corol Bok + Berton Bradley + Kate Bransfield + Phila Caldwell + Neil Carrey + Neil & Alice Carriere + Nancy Cattell + June Coleman + Eldon & Cynthia Cotton + Carole Currey + Matt Dinolfo + Al Ehringer + Dee Fitzsimons + Louise & Bob Gabriel + Rose Gilhuly + Roberta Goldfarb + Diane Goon + Timi Hallem + Steve & Mary Lou Harbison + Chris Harding + Wayne Harding + Judith Hartman + Mark Hayutin + Eileen Hecht + William Hooper + William Humphreys + John Jakle + Jane Jeffries + Brenda & Herb Katz + Lawrence Kent + Michael Kossoff + Robert Kull + Jule Lamm + Richard Lawrence + Joyce Lensch + Kent Lewis + Alva Libuser + Laurie Lieberman + Jan Ludwinski + Marie Martinelli + Helen McCullough + Carl & Rena McKinzie + Becky Mejia + Dee Menzies + Thomas Mitchell + Rick Moos + Jim Mount + Charles Munstein + Judy Neveau + Mary Olivier + Mark Olson +Barbara O'Meara + Eric Parlee + Joe Pipersky + Susan Potter + Rodney Punt + Elizabeth Ray + Kandi Reyes + Virginia Reidy + Herb Roney + Robert Sakamoto + Karl Schober + Frank & Gwen Schwengel + Jean & Jon Sedillos + Bobby Shriver + Maria Sirotti + Hal Sriro + Joyce & Nick Steers + Laurie & Ken Vander Veen + Helen Vasak + Aldona Venckus + Margaret Verge + Marge & Dick Wagnon + Pierce Watson + Calvin Weisberger + Gale Williams + Jean Wyner + Walt Zambas + Jeffrey Zangrilli + Irene & Sam Zivi (partial list)