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Los Angeles County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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Why I chose an independent campaignBy Terry O'DayCandidate for City Council Member; City of Santa Monica |
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As a first-time candidate for City Council in Santa Monica, I find it amusing to witness pundits attempting to group me with political factions. I have an uncommonly broad experience as an Environmental Executive, Entrepreneur, Small Businessman, Housing Activist, and Vice Chair of the Santa Monica Planning Commission. This makes it hard to peg me as a single-issue candidate, and impossible to claim that I belong exclusively to any group. Yet already I've been linked to other candidates, political parties, big business, anti-business activists + you name it. But the fact is that I have chosen an independent campaign to preserve my ability to reach out to everyone in our community and move beyond the polarization that has dominated city discourse in recent years. It is unfortunate that the idea of a strong, independent, progressive candidate has been the exception rather than the rule in Santa Monica for some time. Allow me to explain what I believe an independent, progressive candidate represents and what our city needs. Santa Monica needs a Council Member who will:
- Listen to all members of our community before passing judgment; A Stanford professor, Roger Noll, often remarked that public policy students are trained to evaluate all sides of an issue, while attorneys are trained to advocate for one side over another. Though I work with many attorneys and know many who are great public officials, Noll's distinction defines the core concept of independence. It reflects the freedom and experience to chart the course that best serves the interest of the community, rather than simply choose a side to fight for. An independent candidate, like Bobby Shriver in the last city council election, does not endorse another candidate or accept an endorsement from any group that requires uncritical acceptance of a platform or politically-determined slate of candidates. Being a progressive candidate includes seeking to solve problems, not create wedge issues. If a candidate is not free to talk with everyone in the community who is affected by a city's policies, she or he will invariably create wedge issues and pit our community against itself. Unfortunately, this has become the accepted norm in Santa Monica, and it is why so many in our city feel estranged from the political process, despite having a very politically active electorate. Santa Monica's voters are simply tired of opinionated leaders who treat politics as sport and polarize our community. I believe that in their hearts, voters know that we squander the opportunity to solve our local problems when we obsess over old battles and create wedge issues that divide the community. If you agree we need to look forward to new challenges, rather than back at old political battles, then I welcome you to join my effort. I am a challenger with a record and am attracting a wide range of endorsements from diverse Democrats who believe in me, like Eric Garcetti, President of the Los Angeles City Council, Bobby Kennedy Jr., local teachers, and local planning, housing and environmental leaders. These people are joining my campaign based on who I am and what I stand for, not because of which side I'm on. I encourage readers and writers to get to know each candidate on their own terms and ask tough questions. Voters can contact me through my website at I'm not running to make a statement. I am running to engage voters in progressive, independent decision-making. As my daughters grow and thrive in Santa Monica, I intend to be engaged in our community for quite some time and expect to outlast the political groupings that may seem so important today. - Terry O'Day, August 18th 2006 |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 10, 2006 14:31
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