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Monterey County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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R. Jay RolandBy R. Jay RolandCandidate for Director; Monterey Peninsula Airport District |
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I need explain who I am so you may evaluate my comments knowledgably. I grew up on a small (56 acres) dairy farm in Western PA, enlisted the USAF with a high school education in 1955 and left in 1980 with a Ph.D. My wife and I started a company of 3 people in 1981 in Monterey. We now have 30 employees in 3 states. Our business is best understood by looking at I have never run for nor occupied any elected position, anywhere. I have volunteered for a number of positions in the Monterey area. These include the Board of the Rape Crisis Center (past), Leadership Monterey Peninsula (class of '86), Leadership Monterey Peninsula Alumni Association (past president 2X) and the Monterey County Sheriff's Aero Squadron (commander at one time). I am currently the president of the California Association of Leadership Programs, a group whose charter is to support community leadership programs throughout California and a local homeowner's association. I am an active pilot with a C340 hangered at Million Air and serviced at APR Aviation. I have flown in and out of the MRY APT both as a private pilot and pax for over 30 years. I and my engineers spend a lot of time at airports transiting to and from client locations in the US and in other countries. Many of our clients visit Monterey using the Monterey Airport as their first and last view of the area. It is important to us from a convenience standpoint and marketing the area that the airport be as efficient and effective as possible but also be attractive and inviting to our visitors. We do not represent the tourist industry but wish to be proud of having clients want to come see us. I would like to be on the Board to help make this happen. I am aware that the airport is having issues concerning management procedures that have affected the departure of many skilled workers. This is not good for any organization and signifies serious management issues. Given my management experience and education I would like identify the problems and create solutions. I need to be a Board member to accomplish this. A third concern is the depth of management that has been created to support airport functions. I run my business with very little overhead and consider it somewhat analogous to the size of the airport. It seems to me that much can be done to reduce the size of the management team to the benefit of the airport district hence the community. I am concerned that the drawdown of the airport reserves is a direct relationship with bad management. As a Board member I would like to try to change that. The current construction contract to upgrade the terminal is experiencing serious overruns and delays. I want to identify the problematic issues snd provide solutions. I have Board experience with non-profit organizations; military service; management experience with a successful 24 year old company; experience successfully dealing with multinationals throughout the world (provides a cultural and social understanding important for client and business success); contracting experience with both government (US and foreign) and private firms (US and foreign) that include construction, education, civil engineering and technology insertion. I have direct experience in employee-employer relations, which I regards as similar to family relations. Communications and trust are paramount in each. I encourage everyone in my organization to discuss their work conditions and tasks with management and colleagues to ascertain what is required and whether the assignments are appropriate with the rewards. We also encourage meetings among all staff and employees to discuss on-going issues. I don't subscribe to a Us and Them arrangement. One of my first tasks will be to determine what the current modus operandi is concerning meetings and communications. This will include talking to all parties to assess their perception of the process and ask for suggestions to make it better. If you want someone who has no association with any political groups, no affiliation or sponsorship with special interest groups and a pilot who knows the importance of having a well qualified fireman on duty when needed then you might be interested in endorsing me. A seat on the Board is not a stepping stone for me into any other political or business position. I think I can help. Hope I have caught your interest and been informative. Best wishes to all on your decision. |
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