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Mr. Short is a father of two grade level children, a son of two teachers and has been married over ten years. He is a graduate of UC Davis with a B.S. degree in engineering with an emphasis on building design, Masters in School Governance CSBA, Credentialed Building Official CALBO and is a licensed Professional Engineer in California. He was employed by the County of Sacramento for 16 plus years. He then continued his career as a private consulting engineer in the municipal services industry for small to large corporations, where he has obtained extensive experience in business development, managing building inspectors, engineers, administration staff and plan examiners in the regulatory compliance field.
During last decade Mr. Short has been involved in many community activities while he worked in his career as a professional engineer. The following has been his Civic involvement; Folsom Cordova Unified School District Governing Board Member, Measure N & M bond Steering Committee, Measure B bond Oversight Committee, California School Boards Association, Rancho Cordova Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Congressional Recognized Vice Mayor of Rancho Cordova Community Council, Member of the Sacramento Tax League, Home Owner's Association Board, Friends of Mather Regional Park Board.