This information is provided by the candidate
Basically and educator...
Vice Presient/General Manager, Kawai America Corporation
...Brought on line assembly plant
...Acquired subsidiary corporations...including Lowrey Organ Company
...Testified before Congressional Committee
...Conducted seminars in Japan, Europe and the U.S.
...Botton line responsibility
...Director Keyboard Finance Corporation
...Deputy Supt..Irvine Unified School...instrumental in planning and developing the district and making it one of the best districts in the state.Have life time teaching and administration credentials...Certified School Business Officer (CBO)...High School Teacher...Adjunct Professor in School Finance...taught Accounting and Organizational Theory...My wife and I have a daughter that is a teacher.
US Army:
... Through the ranks to Ass't Chief of Staff 6th Army
...Graduate Command and General Staff College and the Army War College.
...Certified Logistician
See my web