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Political Philosophy for David Poulsen
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I'm running for City Council because I love this city. Currently, I serve on the Santa Rosa Planning Commission. Over the years, I've served on various commissions, boards and committees in our city. I have had the experience of working closely with the choices and issues that we face. This has brought me closer to the core of our city government, and made me aware of the important issues that shape our city now, and will shape our future. Council members Janet Condron and Steve Rabinowitsh have done an excellent job of putting the needs of Santa Rosa ahead of unnecessary political agendas. As they retire from the City Council, I will do my best to emulate their example of balanced leadership and true dedication to the job. I was born and raised here, and as a fourth generation Santa Rosan, I've benefited enormously from the quality of life that we have created here. I want that same quality of life for my own son, Alexander, and for future generations. I have a civic responsibility, based on my experience and enthusiasm for our community, to be involved in making the decisions that shape our future. The major issues we face in protecting and preserving our quality of life in Santa Rosa are solvable if we put aside political agendas and address the needs of the community as a whole. Our solutions must be for the entire community, regardless of neighborhood. We can enhance our economic base, and preserve our beautiful environment at the same time. We must protect our urban growth boundaries and urban separators. Smart growth must prevail and be pedestrian oriented. When making decisions about growth, the impact on the local economy should be considered as a critical factor. Traffic is an extremely important concern. We can no longer put off seriously addressing its impact on our daily lives. As a father, I'd rather spend more time with my son on the playground, and less sitting in traffic. I'm sure you feel the same way. If we do not plan now for the future, our traffic problems will only become worse. Public safety is crucial. We need more police services, more community-based policing, and more cops on the beat, but long-term solutions must address the root causes of crime, drugs and gangs. As a community, we must create the opportunity for all of our children to grow up in a safe environment. Through Measure O, you, the voters, gave the City Council much-needed resources to enhance police and fire services, and to curtail gangs. We must ensure that these funds are used for the purposes for which they were intended. We must also continue our efforts to expand the opportunity for younger working families to thrive in our community. As a Planning Commissioner, I have worked diligently to ensure that our decisions enhance our quality of life today and tomorrow. I will put those same efforts to work on the City Council. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 11, 2006 08:20
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