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Sonoma County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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Cloverdale At the CrossroadsBy Carol RussellCandidate for Council Member; City of Cloverdale |
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What I will bring to our city's "Board of Directors"."Without the knowledge, planning and persistence to turn them into reality, our goals remain only dreams." Hi, I'm Carol Russell. That quote is the theme of a success workshop I presented during my four-decades as a workforce and organizational development advisor and co-founder of an internationally honored, multi-million dollar Bay Area recruiting/staffing chain serving the Fortune 500, start-ups and more. Having worked my way off welfare as a self-supporting teen and on to success that put me into Who's Who In the World, you could say it's also my motto. I am running for Cloverdale City Council and I ask for your vote because I believe our city is at a cross-roads. The next four years will be even tougher on our finances, infrastructure and patience than the last four, so the people you elect must form a team with the fresh energy, range of knowledge and strategic planning and collaborative leadership skills to turn our city's crucial goals into reality--before we fall too far behind to ever get ahead. Now, although I'm learning fast, I'm no expert in water policy, transportation or real estate development. But, as demonstrated by my professional and community service track record (the multi-million dollar firm I co-founded appears in business training texts as well as numerous business publications and media reports and features as a prototype for success with ethics while my myriad volunteer activites over the last 30+ years include positions on the boards of executive committees in professional/trade, political and community service organizations), I am a recognized expert in: strategic planning that averts costly and inconvenient fiscal and resource "surprises", big-ticket decision making, innovation, adapting to changing times, marketing, forming mutually beneficial alliances, growing successful businesses, generating good jobs, being an employer, media relations, stimulating positive "p.r." and sticking to a tight budget! My Principles, Positions & Plans Are Clear. They Include: 1) Urban Growth Boundaries & Protection of Our Hillsides & Natural Setting. 2) Fiscal Responsibility & Accountability. 3) No Casino. 4) No Unrestrained Cookie-Cutter Architecture & Formulaic Retail. 5) Focused "Branding" & Marketing To Boost Cloverdale's Economy & Image. 6) Generating Grant Funding For A Teen Center. 7) Yes on SMART. 8) Actively Supporting Our Police & Fire Depts. 9) Enhancing Our Emergency Preparedness & Health/Community Services. 10) Community Input & Participatory Government including a Teen Council program. Want to help me help Cloverdale? Your recommendation is valued far more than money. Put up a yard sign. Call/email or host a "Coffee" to introduce me to friends and neighbors. Let folks know you're voting for me! Call me at 303-5529 or email THANK YOU! |
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