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Sonoma County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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Top PriortiesBy Don TaylorCandidate for Council Member; City of Santa Rosa |
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This essay highlights a few changes we need to implement to make Santa Rosa a better placeI promise to provide representation for everyone, especially the ordinary person. I am supported by a corss-section of our community- Coalition for a Better Sonoma County, environmentalists, business people, developers, labor and people just like you. Our City's growth has brought problems needing creative solutions: Traffic is horrible, caused by unmanaged development. I will support creative solutions that will ease the traffic we all suffer from. Growth must be sustainable. We need to better manage our scarce water supplies, and stop sprawl-type development. I support downtown growth including housing the average worker can afford. We all deserve to feel safe, and management of Santa Rosa's Measure O tax money is critical. Properly used, we can have more police and fire personnel, and reduce the influence gangs have on our kids. As a business owner, I understand the importance of balancing responsible growth with economic vitality. I will work for good jobs that pay a living wage, and for a healthy, vibrant economy. I own the Omelette Express in Railroad Square where I talk to people from all walks of life. I am completely accessible to everyone. I want to understand your concerns and learn what you want for Santa Rosa. Vote Don Taylor for City Council |
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