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Santa Barbara, Ventura County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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Policy Statement of Michael Kurt StettlerBy Michael Kurt "Stetty" StettlerCandidate for United States Representative; District 24 |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
Major Campaign Priorities 1-3 Position on issues 1-10Policy Statement of Michael Kurt Stettler Write In Candidate November 7th 2006 For the Office of: United States Representative in Congress 24th Congressional District California Objective: To provide, announce, disclose, inform, educate and generally make known, the positions and policies, on issues and events. These are deemed essential for healthy survival of the 24th Congressional District's ability to perform its Civic responsibilities and Constitutional duties to its constituency and municipalities in the immediate future and for posterity. Upon filing declaration of candidacy with Elections Office in the County of Ventura, State of California, January 27, 2006, until the last ballot is counted in the General Election November 7th 2006, let this be known. Major Campaign Priorities: 1) An end to the ever-increasing, inter-generational influence of Corporate Personhood over the affairs of our people and territories. Through Re-regulating vital and essential functions of our National Infrastructure, this can be done. 2) A revival of the American System of Political Economy set forth in Papers on Manufacturing, Banking and Credit by our first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, revived by Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the Depression and Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. 3) A return to the Hill Burton Health Care System by initiating legislation akin to, 'The Hospital Survey and Construction Act,' enacted Aug. 13, 1946, its principal bipartisan co-sponsors being, Senators Lister Hill (D-Alabama) and Harold Burton (R-Ohio), ending an era of the HMO system. Positions on Issues: FILIBUSTER THE ALITO NOMINATION 1) Get out of Iraq; 2) Stay out of Iran; 3) Secure Pensions; 4) Keep Hospitals Open; 5) Fortify and re-prioritize our commitment to Education; 6) Initiate legislation that will stop the use of Depleted Uranium Munitions by all forces of the United States Military. 7) Support the call for 'A New Bretton Woods Conference' to secure the confidence of the world in the United States Sovereign Ability to repay those who are holding in excess of one trillion U.S. Treasuries. 8) a) Raise the tax base by repealing tax cuts for persons and entities with annual incomes in excess of 200,000 dollars. b) Raise the tax base by creating millions of jobs with newly generated credit by powers derived from major campaign priority #2 for desperately needed infrastructure projects. By retooling the vital machine tool capacity of our auto industry coupled with this new credit, we can produce Energy, Water, Sanitation and High Speed Magnetically Levitated Rail Systems for the 21st century here at home, curbing the flow and trend of outsourcing. 9) Continue allowing investigative bodies to ask their questions in regard to all things political, while encouraging the active participation of all citizens in the political process. 10) Support a woman's right to choice, while advising against the practice of abortion and providing ways of escape. There are many more issues that face the nation and our district. Embodied in or represented by these three major campaign priorities are many more potentialities and years of work regarding implementation. Let's start today securing tomorrow's future for those who are sure to follow. Elect Michael Stettler to be your U.S. Representative in Congress. Write my name in on November 7th, 2006. Thank you in advance for your support. s t e t t y . t v The Committee To Elect Michael Stettler makes SENS Simple Economic National Solutions Document crafted by: Michael Stettler |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: November 6, 2006 11:03
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