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Issue 13 Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal) Hamilton County A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage 183,988 / 68.18% Yes votes ...... 85,879 / 31.82% No votes
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Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | | ||||
A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the County of Hamilton, Ohio, for the purpose of SUPPLEMENTING THE GENERAL FUND TO PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN SERVICES AND THE CARE AND PLACEMENT OF CHILDREN at a rate not exceeding two and seventy-seven hundredths (2.77) mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to twenty-seven and seven tenths cents ($0.277) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five (5) years, commencing in 2006, first due in calendar year 2007. FOR THE TAX LEVY AGAINST THE TAX LEVY
What the levy would do: Federal and State mandated services to children are provided through the Hamilton County Children's Services (HCCS), a division of Hamilton County Job and Family Services (HCJFS). Levy funds provide the local matching funds required to annually receive the approximately $54 million in state and federal revenues. The levy supports the system of public and private agencies that work to protect disadvantaged children of Hamilton County. The system includes: HCJFS and HCCS, Hamilton County Juvenile Court and Hillcrest Training School, Guardians Ad Litem (children's representatives in court), Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office and private and public child-serving agencies (such as foster care, mental health services, emergency housing and training). To comply with mandates Children's Services:
Background: Ohio law requires the county to provide services to children and families who are affected by abuse, neglect or dependency. Children's Services is a division of the Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services. The Children's Services Levy was first established in 1986 by a 1.42 mill levy with subsequent approvals by voters in 1991 (1.62 mill), in 1996 (2.77mill) and in 2001 (2.77 mill). Findings of the Tax Levy Review Committee (TLRC): Hamilton County Job and Family Services (HCJFS) provide Children's Services in a professional and cost effective manner. Evidence supports the need for the various services funded by this tax levy. The TLRC recommends that the County Commissioners place on the November 2006 ballot a tax levy to support Children's Services. In addition, the TLRC recommends that the County Commissioners direct Job and Family Services to consider certain operational reforms. One of the functions of HCJFS is the removal of children for situations of abuse or neglect. Accordingly the TLRC recommends the formation of a Citizen's Review Panel (CRP) to (i) provide taxpayer oversight of the policies and practices employed by the agency in the removal of children from homes; and (ii) receive and hear taxpayer complaints. All recommendations of the TLRC are considered by the BOCC but may not necessarily be implemented.
Those who support the levy say:
Those against the levy say:
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