This information is provided by the candidate
I started my involvement in the Boro about 1978. I started as a coach of the Trainer baseball team. Now known as TYAA.
I worked my way up to various positions in this league becoming the president. Ending my career when my four sons became old enough to move on to leagues that TYAA did not offer.
During this time I was asked to become a member of the active recreation board of Trainer. There we set up and co-ordinated activites such as the Christmas parties, Easter Egg hunts, Fourth of July and other celebrations in the Borough. For awhile we had an open air concert in the park.
I then was asked to join the board of health and helped in many ways to clean up parts of our community. I then applied for an open position on council. Then ran with the late Honorable Debbie Moreland in a write in campaign and we both won. Along with the rest of Council, we kept our taxes to a minimum and still had the community functions that are so important to the success of any community.
Due to my work schedule, I had to resign my positon as councilman. This I regret. I liked the job I was doing.
I now have my schedule to allow me the time to once again devote time the the betterment of Trainer Borough.