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Los Angeles County, CA | June 26, 2007 Election |
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FELICIA FORD IS A PRODUCT OF A GREAT GENERATIONBy Felicia FordCandidate for United States Representative; District 37 |
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Felicia Ford will bring, Light to your darkness, Hope, love and warmth to our children, Strength to the weak and to the weary, encouragement!FELICIA FORD Age 40+ Occupation: Corporate Executive Officer, Woodlawn Memorial Park Foundation President, Woodlawn Memorial Park Incorporated, Former Flight Attendant for major airline. EDUCATION: Completed all grade levels of school* attended Inglewood High School but graduated from Compton High School. I briefly attended both, West Los Angeles College and El Camino College where I took courses to enhance my work experience. PUBLIC SERVICE: Founder: Bright Star of Hope Foundation For Tlie Children Corporate Executive Officer of Woodlawn Memorial Park Foundation where, I assisted then took over and assumed fiduciary responsibility of the Local State Governmnent and Federal Government Officials, their task by providing first hand support to thousands of Family Members whose loved ones were buried at Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetery where their bodies were dug up and scattered throughout the Cemetery. As a direct result of my hard work and endless efforts over a 6 year period, $16.5 million dollars were recovered and distributed to the Family Members of the deceased whose bodies were disgracefully desecrated. I was successful in acting as a voice for the Community at Large. ISSUES: 1: Assure that the Homeless have clean Shelters and food and clothing. 2: All children afforded the opportunity for a good education, health care and healthy nutritional food in school. 3: Social Security and must be protected, secured and safeguarded for a lifetime 4: Create programs and provide skillful training for the people that want to work and labor honestly for their living. 5; Clean up the ports of Long Beach that are plagued with pollution and emissions. 6. Provide adequate affordable housing. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: June 25, 2007 20:45
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