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Los Angeles County, CA | June 26, 2007 Election |
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I am tired of a do nothing Congress.By Leroy Joseph "L. J." GuilloryCandidate for United States Representative; District 37 |
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I have had enough of Congress acting as if we don't matter. They seem to only care about how to get corporate donations. The continual lying about everything, in the guise of "putting a spin on it", is an insult to our intelligence."BISHOP L. J. GUILLORY FOR CONGRESS" As your Congressman I will think outside the box, with a paradigm geared toward resolving the following problem areas to bring our Nation back to the leadership position and respect it deserves. To show the world that as a Nation we are not afraid of the challenges of science, but embrace our scientific excellence with a view towards the future. CONGRESS Business as usual in Congress will be a thing of the past. As your Congressman for the 37th Congressional District, I am committed to vigorously pursuing the following issues that impact our daily lives. CORRUPTION Corporate and Congressional corruption is not acceptable and will no longer be tolerated as a part of the American way of life. VETERAN BENEFITS During and after a Veteran serves in any branch of the United States Military, and gets an Honorable Discharge, all medical, retirement, or other benefits given to them for their services shall not be removed or taken away by the Courts, or the Federal Government for any reason except treason. Our Veterans deserve more, and Congress should protect them from a cycle of abuse. DESTRUCTION OF OUR SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM Our Social Security System was never intended to be a welfare system. Social Security is funded through the contributions of employers and employees to ensure seniors do not have to eat dog food or find themselves on skid row in their senior years. Congress have changed the Social Security System into a welfare system, and are now telling the seniors to gamble in Las Vegas or the Stock Market for their long term retirement security. This is unacceptable and cannot be allowed to continue. The people have a right to have their retirement protected without question, and Congress should be protecting our seniors and their retirement system rather than balancing the budget on the back of the seniors Social Security System. This protection must be addressed by Congress. DESTRUCTION OF EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT AND PENSION PLANS BY CORPORATIONS AND THE COURTS Congress should be protecting all employees' retirement and pension plans, and funds. A corporation, or employer should NOT be allowed to spend, use, alter, sell, or eliminate retirement systems, or pension funds, established on behalf of the employees, regardless of need, or bankruptcy of the employer, company, or corporation. This protection must be addressed by Congress and vigorously pursued. DESTRUCTION OF FAMILIES BY CONGRESS Disrespecting and Destroying Family Values by Demonizing the Men and Fathers of our children will no longer be tolerated by our Congressperson. (A). Congress paying states to take children away from the parents and put them up for adoption should be ended with those funds being used to help families in need of special services, such as housing, drug rehabilitation, employment and other services needed to keep the families together. HIGH PRICE OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Congress has failed to challenge drug companies and their pricing structures as it relates to the high price of prescription drugs in the United States. Canada and other countries sell the same prescription drugs far cheaper than in the United States. Sick Americans should not have to go to Canada or Mexico to get drugs for their illnesses at a decent price. It's an embarrassment to our Nation and Congress should address this issue rather than taking campaign contributions from these companies who are taking advantage of the ill, infirmed and elderly. THE WAR I will vote to bring our service men and women home as soon as practical, and push for the use of diplomacy rather than name calling and warring with smaller Nations. LEGALIZING CANNABIS California passed Proposition 215 legalizing cannabis in 1996 under certain conditions. As your Congressman, I would vigorously pursue the reform of Federal Drug Laws as they pertain to State rights in legalizing Cannabis. OIL COMPANY PROFITS Oil companies should never be allowed to make the large obscene profits we seen them make over the last three or four years. They must be regulated and answer to Congress for their actions. KATRINA EMBARRASSMENT The lack of action by the United State Congress on the Katrina disaster is an eyesore and continues to be an embarrassment to our Nation. All the arms of government should be working in New Orleans and other parts of the South to ensure that part of our country is properly serviced in times of emergencies. HEALTH CARE Universal Health Care for all Americans. If it can work in Canada, it can, and should work here in the United States. It is an embarrassment for our country to have Congress looking for a corporate donation rather than addressing this issue. STEM CELL RESEARCH Stem Cell Research + Although controversy surrounds stem cell research, we must embrace new and innovative scientific challenges and not allow our Nation to become stagnant and fall behind other countries in revolutionizing medicine and meeting these challenges head on. GLOBAL WARMING Global Warming + We must take a leadership role in saving our planet from the gasses impacting global warming. GAY RIGHTS I will not allow my religious beliefs to interfere with the rights of any American as dictated by the Constitution and Supreme Court of our Nation. That is the oath of office I will take when sworn into office and will not violate that oath. AIDS EDUCATION AND TESTING AIDS Education and testing facilities in Congressional District + AIDS is a serious issue and we must have the tools to combat this dreadful disease. AIDS education and testing must be available in the district. GANGS AND GANG VIOLENCE Gangs - giving gang members opportunities for employment gives them a stake in society and cut down on drug use and violence. REDUCING CRIME Crime - reduce crime by ensuring rehabilitation and jobs for convicted felons. 5 years after parole, expunge the felony conviction. |
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