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Alameda County, CA November 6, 2007 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Vibert F Greene

Candidate for
Mayor; City of Newark

This information is provided by the candidate


Personal Information

I am a Bay area--Newark--resident for the past 23 years.

My wife Diane (of 34 years) is a Special Education Teacher in Newark. We have 2 daughters--both graduates of Newark's public schools, the University of California Berkeley, and the University of California Santa Barbara.

Educational Background and Work Experience

I am a Mechanical Engineer. A graduate of the University of Hawaii, San Jose State University and the University of California, Berkeley; with Graduate degrees in Engineering and Bachelor's degrees in Engineering and Mathematics.

I began my career in the private sector, where I worked for more than 20 years. My work experiences included: Design Engineer, Process Engineer, Equipment Engineer, Senior Design Engineer, Program Manager, Project Manager and Test Director. Special assignment projects included the Space Station, the Hubble Space Telescope and numerous classified projects for the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense.

I taught part-time at Evergreen College in San Jose California; holds two patents and the "copyright" on an educational board game called "Earthquake Preparedness."

I am currently working as a Utilities' Engineer with the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco. Time in position--9 Years.

Sociopolitical Experience

I have 12 years experience as an elected member on Lexington Square Homeowners' Association Board of Directors-- President for 6 years.

I am a 6 term elected member of PECG--Professional Engineers in California Government.

I sought the office of Newark's City Council twice and the Alameda County Board of Education-District 2 in 2004.

Graduate of Newark's Citizen Police Academy--class #4; and a volunteer civilian employee for San Francisco Police Department.

Political Endorsements

Endorsed by the Argus News as best candidate for the Alameda County Board of Education District 2 in 2004.

My wife Diane-- Special Education Teacher in Newark 15 years.

Friends and neighbors: Just Ordinary folks.

Business Disclosures:

1 CEO and President of National Technology Incorporated (NTI).--A California Research and Development Corporation.


Vibert Greene - A Fresh Voice....A Different Approach

Husband. Father. Teacher. Engineer. Inventor. Volunteer. Businessman. Californian.

Vibert Greene - Renewing California's Priorities

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 26, 2007 22:58
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