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Political Philosophy for Bernie Nillo
Candidate for |
I believe that public safety is a priority. I think that City Councilors must always remember that we serve the public and cannot take that public for granted. We need to pay attention when members of the public talk to us during Council meetings, we need to go out of our way to attend neighborhood meetings. We need to recognize that the Internet and email is an increasingly popular method for people to communicate with us. I believe that the City must work harder to ensure we don't spend money unnecessarily. I believe that good schools are at the heart of a healthy city. We need a Long-term, Sustainable Housing Policy for people who do not have high paying jobs or a background of wealth. I believe that no one knows a neighborhood better than the people who live there, and I will try to listen to those people as often as I can. I believe we are responsible to our city employees---the people who work with us every day. We should treat each employee with respect and dignity and recognize his or her accomplishments. I believe in consideration, courtesy, creativity, dedication, determination, flexibility, hard work, honesty, integrity, innovation, professionalism and teamwork. Throughout my career and in scores of volunteer activities, I have shown my dedication to taking on challenges and solving problems. Goals:
I pledge to treat the citizens of Newark, visitors and colleagues with dignity and respect; honor each person's right to privacy; respect all individuals' differences; and support cultural diversity in our community. I pledge to maintain a professional working environment, perform my job to the best of my abilities; and endeavor to enhance my skills. I pledge to demonstrate a welcoming, helpful and professional manner towards our community, visitors and colleagues; show that these individuals are the most important part of my job; exhibit appreciation for the loyalty of our citizens as well as respect for our colleagues. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 24, 2007 22:28
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