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Alameda County, CA | November 6, 2007 Election |
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BALLOT STATEMENTBy David W. "Dave" SmithCandidate for Mayor; City of Newark |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
YOWZA! I enjoy serving as your Mayor! Newark has retained that "small town feeling" while blossoming into a progressive city. We have done remarkably well in a difficult economy. We have retained city services at high levels through conservative fiscal policies. As we continue through these complex times, experienced, seasoned leadership will be increasingly important. The Silliman Center continues to thrive as "Newark's place to play," hosting 275,000 visitors last year. Our new high-tech fire station assures a heightened state of emergency preparedness. The new Ohlone College campus will be open for classes in January 2008. It will be the first "Green" community college campus in the nation, and a model for energy conservation and environmental sustainability! Students will also benefit from the most current teaching and learning technology. Our long-envisioned golf course is progressing toward reality. Senior, family, and youth programs are flourishing! We helped the schools fund an instrumental music program that now serves 600 young people. We can be proud of our accomplishments! The path ahead has challenges, but they can be met if we continue to work together to make Newark one of California's finest cities! I would appreciate your vote! |
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