Delaware County, PA | November 6, 2007 Election |
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Turf Field at Radnor Middle SchoolBy Patricia A. BookerCandidate for Director; Radnor Township School District |
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Whether you are for the turf or against it, the cost of the turf field is a concern for most people I have talked to...Over the last several weeks I have spoken with close to a thousand Radnor residents in my door to door efforts, at school events, at the library and other places around town and the issue of the playing field at middle school is often a topic of discussion. For some there is no question, artificial turf is the answer, for others natural grass and, then there are many, like me, that are on the fence. Though comments have come up about injury rate, field availability after rain, and environmental concerns, for most people the two main issues involve the cost of artificial turf and the problem with the process, or lack there of, being used to make such a binding decision. The process being followed in making this decision goes directly against the virtues outlined in the proposed School Board Code of Conduct Policy #008, specifically to engage ALL community stakeholders, to balance responsibility to provide educational programs with the need to be effective stewards of public resources, and to seek input through a variety of methods. Moving forward with a turf field when the Commissioner's approval was contingent upon the Design Review Boards recommendations, which was for natural turf, without seeking an amendment leaves many with the impression that the district is trying to pull a fast one over the community. It sets a bad precedence and leaves the district open to possible legal ramifications. The 2nd issue is cost at $634,000 + whether people were for the artificial turf or not, they expressed a concern about the cost of the turf field. Looking at the big picture, with an initial cost at the middle school of $634,000, plus the replacement cost for both artificial turf fields based on recommended life expectancy, the total cost for the artificial turf surfaces comes to $1.4 million over the next ten years or $140,000 per year Given that these funds are scheduled to be taken from the capital budget, it begs the question of what is not going to get done if the school board adds the artificial turf expenditure to the previously prioritized list. The beauty of the RHS turf field was that it was a real public/private partnership, so the school district, and thus the taxpayers, did not bare the whole burden for a field that's value is equally divided between the educational/ programmatic use and the use by the sports community. Radnor has no shortage of needs for funds to support educating our students, our schools are quickly falling far behind in technology, even with a $400,000 plus Federal grant, we need to spend over $1 million to create a learning environment conducive the teaching children that can compete on a global scale. Many could easily argue that this and other in-class room needs should take precedence over funding for an artificial turf field. Now is the time, and the field is a natural, no pun intended, for finding private funds to help afford what some argue is nothing short of a luxury. I urge the school board to live up to their Code of Conduct and balance their responsibility to provide educational programs with the need to be effective stewards of public resources by making a concerted effort to find private funds to offset the cost of this artificial turf field. Pattie Booker Radnor Candidate for School Board |
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