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Los Angeles County, CA | April 8, 2008 Election |
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Why is Karen Thomas Hilburn running for School Board?By Karen Thomas (Thomas) HilburnCandidate for Member, Board of Education; Long Beach Unified School District; District 4 |
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Concerns expressed by constituents: Wilson Overcrowding; Costly lawsuits and Board infighting!Why is Karen Thomas Hilburn running for School Board? Part 2 in a series For the past few weeks I have been walking the neighborhood gathering vital information from neighbors, parents, and grandparents. Although numerous concerns regarding Wilson High School have been expressed, two concerns stand out.
The District has known for years that our high schools are overcrowded. Our high schools are among the largest in the country and Wilson High is no exception. Overcrowding has a negative impact on student discipline, teacher morale and campus safety. The District's Facility Master Plan calls for the creation of six small high schools. As a Board member, I would push this issue to the top of the list. Smaller schools where "everyone knows each other" is one solution. When teens are killing teens; while unemployment among teens is at an all time high; and the drop out rate remains high throughout the district; we can't afford to wait any longer!
Title 9 was made law to protect the rights of female athletes many years ago. Clearly, they still need that protection. Why didn't the Board see the potential problems related to violation of Title 9? When I was Principal at Poly I handled a similar issue at the site level. I listened to the girl's gymnastic team and their parents and saw that proper improvements were made. I would never have suggested that the students should get on a bus and travel to another facility to practice. As a Board member, I would require that all issues with potential legal ramifications be brought to my attention before it is too late, before costly court battles. Perhaps Board members supported that the girl's gymnastics be turned into a weight room? Perhaps the Board was not informed? Either way huge unnecessary expenses have resulted. I will work to prevent unnecessary lawsuits!
I have had a difficult time trying to explain to the residents what I can't really understand myself. Political committees have made this "non-partisan" race a partisan one. I struggle to keep some members of these committees focused on the genuine needs of young people, their families and their teachers. Even harder to explain is the aggressive union and outside associations' involvement in the election. Thousands of hardworking, dedicated teachers have been painted with a negative image created by a few TALB Board members and executive officers. When I questioned the involvement of all these outside groups, I was told, "It's not about student issues, it's about the Union issues!" These groups actually tried to discourage me from running. The focus of this election must be brought back to the TRUE ISSUES. The students, the teachers, the parents and the residents being ignored and their needs minimized! Just because you may not have children in the system doesn't mean that the outcome doesn't affect your neighborhood. I am not part of the infighting and don't intend to be. I am earning my endorsements one at a time by walking the District, listening to concerns, and sharing my insight regarding our District. Former School Board member Ed Eveland was a great mentor of mine as well as many in our educational system, through his innovation he fought to save the children of our District. I hope for the chance to continue his great work. Please join my team in fighting for a "Better" Long Beach Unified School District. My team includes: (Titles for identification only and they do not represent any organizations endorsements.) Educators: Karen Thomas Hilburn 4 School Board Supporters (Titles for identification only) 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Runner up in Sudden Death Election June 10, 2003 against current incumbent Yolanda Benavidez, DARE Coordinator and Inst., Consultant, Reid Continuation High School, LBUSD, ret.; Norm Ryan, CEO Haven Humane Society, Past President Lowell Elementary; Marilyn Bittle, Teacher, Former Exec. Dir. of the TALB & Past Pres. CTA Former and Current Long Beach Elected and Appointed Leaders Vice Mayor Doug Drummond, Long Beach, 3rd Dist. Council member, ret. Vice Mayor Jerry Shultz, Long Beach, 9th Dist. Council member, ret. Norm Ryan, Former Water Replenishment Dist. Board member Charles Parks, Water Commissioner, ret; Dianne McNinch, Former LBCC Trustee Thomas Fields, Redevelopment Agency, Committee Chair; Bill Baker, Redevelopment Agency, Vice Chair Public Safety Supporters current and retired Doug Drummond, Police Commander, LBPD, ret.; Charles Parks, Police Commander, LBPD, ret. Jerry Shultz, Sergeant, L.A. County Sheriff, ret.; Jerry Carter, Det., K-9, LBPD Billy Foster, LBPD Officer & (Elvis Presley impersonator); Ken Turner, Det., LBPD Jim Taylor, Lieutenant, L.A. County Sheriff, ret.; Marc Jackson, Deputy, L.A. County Sheriff Kathy Taylor, Capt. (SWAT), L.A. County Sheriff, ret.; Milton Thomas, Sergeant, LBPD Felix Franklin, Civilian Commander, LBPD, ret.; Rich Conant, Sgt., LBPD Pastor James Norman, Res. Officer, LBPD, Pastor's Advisory LBPD, ret. Jake Wallace, LBPD, ret.; Jackie Bezart, PIO, LBPD; George Miller, Liet., LBPD, ret. John Stolpe, __________, LBPD, ret.; Satwan Johnson, Detective, LBPD Wayne Chaney, Long Beach Firefighter; Erin Allen, Supervisor, Dispatch, LBPD Current and Retired Educators and School Personnel Yolanda Benavidez, DARE Coordinator and Inst., Consult., Reid Continuation High School, LBUSD, ret. Marilyn Bittle, Teacher, Former Exec. Dir. of the TALB & Past Pres. CTA Pauline Bullock, Teacher Lakewood High School and Former Board member of TALB Gwen Mack, Past Principal of Poly, Millikan and Wilson High Schools, retired John Thomas, Teacher, Alternative Education; Marc Hyatt, Vice President TALB Roger Powell, ret. teacher Wilson High School; Judy Powell, retired teacher Wilson High School Ann Baysinger Robinson, teacher Robert E. Lee Elementary, ret., LBUSD Sharon Kemmer, retired teacher Rogers Middle School, (PACE) Poly High School Jeannie Miller, After School Program Coordinator, LBUSD, ret., Kimberly Woods, teacher Jane Miller, teacher, John Lincoln, teacher, Craig Sundquist, teacher, Tomme Meadows, teacher David Meade ,teacher, Suzy Bryant, teacher, Frank Gebhart, teacher , Bill Hendry, teacher Dr. Robert Ramsey, Chair, Art Department, CSULB, ret. William C. Hendry, Dir. of Development, College of Business Admin., CSULB Greta McGree, Poly High School CIC and PAC RIM Coordinator Dr. Alex Norman, Professor Emeritus, CSULB, Rethinking Greater Long Beach, Dir. Sam Dimas, ????? Sara Yudin, teacher, Pauline Bullock, teacher Lisa Leon, Administrative Secretary, LBUSD, ret.;Cynthia Phinney, Wilson Admin. Sec., LBUSD; Community Parents, Leaders. Friends and Neighbors Clarence Long, Campaign Photographer; Linda Miller, Manager, Belmont Shore Women's Rugby Club Errol Parker, Talk Show Host, Sonny Bozeman, Talk Show Host, Darick Simpson, Talk Show Host, Bruce Norman, Talk Show Host Jack Kittinger, James Ross, Pat Moon, Dick Moon, Tom Bennett, Donna Bennett, Sameer Molvi, Michael Plummer Bunny Miller, Janie Coffman, Lee Boylan, Michelle Burns, Deborah Boen, Jeff Kynard, Cathy Hayden, Johanna Munn Michelle Austin, Kent Eastman, Kelly Schipper, Ray Boen, Lance Lord, Meredith Lord, Sally Liboruel, Raul Garcia, May Parks Helen Munsen, David Austin, Jill Austin, Kelly Kittinger, Richard Mueller, Michelle Karler, Lorraine Mueller, Bron Bryant Jim Murphy, Melissa Beglinger Murphy, Sharon Eastman, Barron Maxwell, Karen Brock, Stan Hensley, CPA, Michael Jordan Carolyn Bell, Raquel Blumenfield, Kim Feibleman, Arlene Gold, Jan Libourel, Christopher "Rocky" Johnston, James Walley Dr. Gary Uyeno, William Weingartner, Ron Gold, Brian Sweeney, Madelon Christine Bergkvist, Ed Karler, Jamie Coffman, Joseph Johnston, Robert Coffman, Margie Norman, Rhonda Thomas, John Wix Thomas, M.D. Cary Feibleman, M.D. Kerry Kittinger, Beth Kittinger, Rotha Chann, Kelton Reese, Vincent Bryant, Sayana Dy, Adelina Ramirez, Yvette Gonzalez, Ramon Aldana, Brenda Jacinto, Eric R. Adler, Kristine Wusstig, Marisol Sanchez, Sara Sok, Victoria Valle, Kally Prin, Adrian Monteverde Saman Assareh, Denielle Powell, Ashley Lobbins, Jerrod Gamble, Rithy Chann, Rothen Chann, , Ryan Antes Jeremiah Brubaker, Ashley Johnson, Esq., Lindsey Shields, Richard Bernal, Michael Magallen, Tracy Johnston Kittinger Lorraine Mueller, Jessica Lee Antes Michael Wilson, Cameron Aguilar, Marissa Aguilar, David Aguilar, Anthony Aguilar Marie Tracy, Jessica Bergkvist, Steve Aguilar, Steve Lane, Gary McKnight |
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