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San Francisco, San Mateo County, CA | April 8, 2008 Election |
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The EconomyBy Jackie SpeierCandidate for United States Representative; District 12 |
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Did you know? 500,000 Californians have lost or will lose their homes due to the sub-prime mortgage problem. Since President Bush took office, the price of gasoline has doubled, nine million more Americans are without health insurance, college has gone up $2,000 a year and our $500 billion surplus has become a $400 billion deficit. In the California State Senate, Jackie Speier led the fight that prohibited banks from selling our private financial information. What I Believe: We must get our financial house in order. Starting an unnecessary war and cutting the taxes needed to pay for it is has weakened our national economy. According to the Congressional Research Service, the War in Iraq is costing $329,670,330 per day. Bringing our troops home is the first and most important thing we can do to get our fiscal house back in order. President Bush's failed economic policies have driven us into recession while predatory lenders have robbed millions of Americans not only of their homes, but also of their dignity. The government should do what it can to help the victims of unscrupulous lenders, but the cost should be billed to the banks and mortgage companies that profited from the practice. The economic stimulus package must be targeted, timely and temporary to ensure that money gets into the hands of those who will benefit the most. We must review our foreign trade agreements to ensure a "level playing field" for American businesses and workers. |
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