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Political Philosophy for Bill Cornell
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Bill Cornell is remarkably qualified to SERVE the families and communities of the 88th District. His many years of experience in and around government at the local, state and federal levels will enable Bill Cornell to make a real IMPACT for the families and communities of the 88th District. As your Representative in OUR State House, Bill Cornell will FIGHT AGAINST > Tax Increases of Any Kind (excpet for temporary increases needed for declared emergencies and only where such temporary increases are scheduled to roll back at the end of the emergency) > Government Waste. Bill will never hesitate to expose waste. > Public Corruption. Bill is the only candidate to offer a specific proposal for dealing with violations of the Public Trust. Bill proposes "mandatory sentencing" for public officials found to have knowingly corrupted, misused or sold their office or vote. > Expanded Gaming/Gambling in Pennsylvania. > Un-necessary and burdensome taxes and regulations impacting Pennsylvania businesses and instead will work to help make the engines of our economy stronger and more competitive. > Unfunded Mandates and the havoc they create for our communities and our schools. > Government intrusions into the lives of the citizens of Pennsylvania as a vigorous defender of citizen rights and liberties. > Large Government and inefficient or un-productive programs. > Expanded subsidies or payments to failing schools. > The Sale of our Historic Pennsylvania Turnpike. > Illegal immigration and the threats and burdens ILLEGAL aliens impose on our communities, state and nation. > Excessive Perks and Benefits for elected or appointed officials. Bill Cornell will not accept per diems for going to work in Harrisburg. Bill Cornell will drive his own car to work... just like most Pennsylvania workers. And, Bill Cornell will only accept expense reimbursement when called upon to do official legislative work outside the Harrisburg area. AS YOUR REPRESENTATIVE IN OUR STATE HOUSE, BILL CORNELL WILL FIGHT FOR: > Immediate property tax reform. > Planned and Focused Economic Development. > Expanded Efforts to Lower and Control Health Care Costs. > Academic Excellence and Accountability. > Smaller, more efficient and less costly government. > Greater Openness, Transparency and Accountability throughout OUR State Government and including OUR State General Assembly. > Reform Within the General Assembly including limits on the years a legislator can serve as a powerful Committee Chairman. > Limits on Campaign Contributions by individuals, lobbyists, partnerships and Political Action Committees(PACs). > Fairness and Equity in the formula by which we provide basic subsidies for our schools. > Greater Accountability for our schools, teachers, administrators and superintendents. > Greater emphasis on the teaching of civics/citizenship, health and nutrition in our schools. > Enhanced support for our community Fire, Police and other emergency responders. > Keeping our promises to our Seniors and those who have served our nation in uniform. > Restoring citizen faith, trust and pride in Pennsylvania State Government. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: March 18, 2008 10:13
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