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Political Philosophy for Toni Gilhooley
Candidate for |
1.) STIMULATE THE ECONOMY Toni believes in cutting individual and business taxes to spur business development, create new jobs, and get the economy moving. She will fight to retain the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for working and middle class families in 2010. Toni will work to eliminate the Death Tax for those who have worked and sacrificed to provide a future for their families. She will also introduce legislation to protect our senior citizens against the overburden of taxation. 2.) END WASTEFUL GOVERNMENT SPENDING Irresponsible spending in Washington must end. Toni will vote to end pork barrel spending and work toward a balanced national budget. 3.) IMMIGRATION Toni supports a viable and legal immigration system. Sealing our border is the first step in that process. Amnesty is not the answer. Enforcing current laws is an important part of the solution to end illegal immigration. 4.) PROTECT OUR NATION Toni believes our nation's security is dependent on maintaining the world's strongest military. She will vote to ensure the military is properly funded in both times of war and peace. We cannot let our guard down on the war on terror or those who want to destroy our way of life. 5.) PROTECT 2nd AMENDMENT RIGHTS A 25-year veteran of the Pennsylvania State Police, Toni has always respected the right to bear arms. She will fight to ensure the 2nd Amendment remains a right. Toni is a member of the NRA and 2nd Amendment Sisters. 6.) CURE HEALTHCARE Toni will fight the nationalization of public healthcare programs proposed by Democratic leadership that would raise taxes and reduce the quality of care. She will bring together doctors, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and patients to find market-based solutions to lower healthcare costs. No more band-aids, real solutions...not socialized medicine run by the government. 7.) STOP THE RAID ON SOCIAL SECURITY The Social Security fund continues to be raided to balance the budget. Toni supports an end to this practice to keep our promise made to senior citizens. We must stop spending what we don't have! 8.) PRO-LIFE I will vote for life in all areas. |
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