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Centre, Mifflin County, PA | April 22, 2008 Election |
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Why I am runningBy Tim WilsonCandidate for State Representative; District 171; Democratic Party |
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Hello, I'm Tim Wilson and I am running for the 171st State House Seat. I am seeking this seat to offer solutions to the problems facing the 171st District and Central Pennsylvania. Our families and communities face a number of challenges that require leadership and common sense. Our healthcare system is broken, runaway development is threatening our communities, education is being under-funded and our government remains as closed and secretive as ever. There are too many people in Harrisburg who simply say NO to any attempt to help the working people of Pennsylvania. They say NO to healthcare for our children, NO to communities trying to preserve themselves and NO to improving our schools. I've had enough of negative Harrisburg politics. I want to bring some Central Pennsylvania Common Sense to the legislature. Growing up working on my family's farm, serving our country in the Navy, working my way through college and building Computer Systems for the National Defense of our country I learned positive, progressive values. Where others say no, I say yes we can. YES, we can cover every child in Pennsylvania with quality healthcare; YES, we can create jobs and preserve our farms and environment through smart, green development; YES, we can provide an excellent public school education in all districts. I want to bring solutions to Harrisburg, but I need your involvement, your ideas and your support. I hope to hear from as many people of the 171st District as possible. I would love to offer you an opportunity to volunteer on my campaign. There are many posts to fill that range from small commitments to large. If you are financially able to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated. As you are aware, our current representative is an entrenched incumbent and well-financed through the State Republican Party. I thank you for wanting to learn more about me and in advance for helping to take back control of the legislature in Harrisburg. Sincerely, Tim Wilson |
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