This information is provided by the candidate
Concern Constitutional Republican Citizen
The American Constitution implemented by our Founding Fathers is our nation's blueprint to a sound Constitutional Republic and clearly states that our government's role should be one of maintenance, not subjugation. The nefarious enemies of the Constitution's core values, some obvious, some not, have eaten away and continue to do so at the liberties it guarantees. Only through the watchful vigilant eye of the concerned citizen, can these assaults, both foreign and domestic, be identified and confronted. The citizens are the true governors of America, but only if they realize they will always have the power to alter the course into a nation that preserves their right to self-govern.
If elected I have taken an oath to make the phrase "we the people" actually mean something.
I Support:
- Lower taxes
- Small government
- States Rights
- American independence and sovereignty
- Declaration of war only by congress
- Life and liberty dealt with at the local levels
- To uphold the second amendment
- Bring our troops home to defend our borders not those of other nations
- Pass true immigration reform
- Removing federal regulations from heath care to encourage competition
- Parents, local and states levels should oversee our schools not the federal government
I Oppose:
- Private banks run by unelected officials who are not accountable to " we the people "
- Runaway spending by politicians and lobbyists who fund their special interest groups
- Wasteful agencies that use funds for frivolous studies
- Governments collecting foreign aid to dictate the size of our growing budget
- Making free trade deals with NAFTA and other world government groups
- Inflation tax that de-values the dollar by printing money out of thin air
- Health care managed by our federal government has taken away the competition
- Iraq war we are not in the business of nation building and policing the world
- Porous and vulnerable borders due to troops protecting borders around the world
- Unchecked visas, amnesty, welfare to illegals, birthright citizenship, national ID card
- Patriot Act giving Washington centralized power and private data about our lives
- Not giving employers tax credit for hiring veterans
- Taking away disabled veterans military retirement pay in order to receive VA disability benefits