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Alameda, Santa Clara County, CA | June 3, 2008 Election |
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State Budget and TaxesBy Michael J. SitesCandidate for Member, Republican Party Central Committee; County of Alameda; Assembly District 20 |
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I will support candidates who will fight to reduce taxes and expenditures on social programs, turn off the job magnet for illegal aliens, and prevent the Democrat's attempt to repeal the two-thirds majority required to approve new taxes.Today, approximately 45% of California's revenue comes from personal income tax, 27% comes from sales tax, and 9% comes from corporate taxes, while we expect to spend 31% of the $141 billion budget on K-12 education, 25% on state health and human services, 10% on higher education and 7% on corrections and rehabilitation. According to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, Californians pay the fourth-highest tax burden in the entire country, and, in fact, property tax revenues increased by $4 billion in 2007-08. Even with falling property values statewide, property tax revenues are projected to increase by $2 billion in 2008-09. Indeed, overall state revenues have grown a robust 32% in the past two years without new taxes. Yet Democrats would have you believe that we need even higher taxes and should even repeal Proposition 13 to support billions of dollars of more expensive social programs. These same politicians also would have you believe that illegal immigration is a plus for the State. It is, for the agribusiness, hotels, construction and labor unions who hire illegal aliens to avoid paying taxes and decent wages to Americans. Today, illegal immigration costs California taxpayers over $10 billion per year not counting lost wages and benefits for Americans who cannot find work. Even at the local level, illegal immigrants cost Los Angeles County $1 billion per year. This is money that comes out of California taxpayer's pockets in an already difficult economy where many can no longer find work. I will support candidates who will fight to reduce taxes and expenditures on social programs, turn off the job magnet for illegal aliens, and prevent the Democrat's attempt to repeal the two-thirds majority required to approve new taxes. |
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