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Los Angeles County, CA | June 3, 2008 Election |
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Rethinking Our BordersBy Clark Warren BakerCandidate for Member, Republican Party County Central Committee; County of Los Angeles; Assembly District 42 |
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As Congress feigns renewed efforts to make illegal immigration illegal, they have helped clarify my own thought on illegal immigration. To understand illegal immigration, we must first understand the tactics used by Democrats to frame the issue. First, illegal immigration is a national issue and NOT a racial one. Democrats spin illegal immigration with the same racial themes they've used to create, perpetuate, and enforce black poverty to control black voters since 1964. The Democrat Party formula works this way:
Since 1964, Democrats have controlled almost every failing public school district in America. Educated graduates are less likely to accept racial paranoia and are more likely to find the success, independence, and happiness that renders Democrats less relevant and conservatives more appealing. By spreading the progressive dogma that invites students to view virtues of patriotism, marriage, education, religion, and success as "not cool" or selling out to whitey, the LAUSD forces insecure non-whites to risk accusations of trying to be white (intra-racial bigotry) and the loss of racial identity. Uneducated adults are more likely to rely on emotional cues than intellect to make decisions at voting booths, jury boxes, and in their personal lives. More often than not, bad decisions result in stressed lifestyles that are more likely to rely on Democrats and government assistance. This also creates new generations of stressed children for the LAUSD and Democrats to indoctrinate. While immigrants from socialist or communist regimes are keen to these tactics and embrace Republicans, undocumented Latino immigrants are more trusting and vulnerable to overtures from Latino Democrats and Cardinals. BORDER SOLUTION I. IMMEDIATELY SECURE OUR BORDERS USING ANY AND ALL MEANS NECESSARY I oppose TSA-like solutions. Federal airport security is overpaid, ineffective, and has less at stake than local jurisdictions. I believe this is best accomplished first by local counties supported by state and federal resources as requested. Until we secure our borders, no other efforts will be effective. Federal authorities should not take over defense except when evidence exists that local politicians (like Antonio Villaraigosa and Cardinal Roger Mahoney) are collaborating with smugglers or facilitating illegal immigration. Border states and counties, backed by the Border Patrol and National Guard, should provide America's first line of defense. II. ENFORCE EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS AND PROSECUTE POLITICIANS AND CLERGY WHO AID AND ABET TRAFFICKERS People who abet and support illegal immigration are as guilty as the coyotes who exploit and deliver undocumented families. Those who aid and abet traffickers do not support or defend the United States. These criminals must be prosecuted and elected leaders and clergy should be removed from all official duties. No American has the Constitutional right to circumvent our laws or promote anarchy. III. AFTER OUR BORDERS ARE SECURE, deport all undocumented immigrants who:
EDUCATION SOLUTION Controlling our borders and deporting criminals is not enough. Californians must provide vouchers and charter schools so that immigrant parents can choose something other than the public schools that indoctrinate and stupefy their children. These children are de facto Americans. Regardless of citizenship, all parents and their children must be empowered to succeed in America. As a former resident of Central America and the son of a South American immigrant, I recognize that Latino immigrants hold conservative values of family, spirituality, morality, and patriotism. If given the choice of vouchers and charters, these children can receive the education they deserve and not the indoctrination that many now endure. These migrants and their children require and deserve our investment. They hold the promise of America's future. The United States cannot afford to abandon them. When we divide LAUSD's $13.4 billion/year budget into our 727,000 students, we see that each child generates $18,000/year in revenues. If we empower parents with $18,000 vouchers and the choice of fully-funded charter schools, California would become the world leader in education. Schools would pop up like mushrooms throughout Los Angeles and California. Public school boards resist these efforts to satisfy unions that embezzle huge chunks of those funds toward union bosses who empower democrats who empower the unions that force indoctrination on our children. As long as LAUSD indoctrinates and cripples students, our children will not achieve the education or freedoms to seek more than other union jobs that feed democrats. Border security, education, and the stress of social services has never been easy for Southern California, but by taking these actions, voters can begin to address these issues in a way that promises a stronger and more secure America. Read more on: LAUSD School Board Public Education Union Slavery Read also Thomas Sowell's recent essays on immigration: Guests or Gate Crashers, Part I Guests or Gate Crashers, Part II |
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