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Los Angeles County, CA | June 3, 2008 Election |
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Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce QuestionnaireBy Susan M. RhilingerCandidate for Council Member; City of Torrance |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
Questionnaire from TACC to council candidates. Susan Rhilinger responses. Council questions in ALL CAPS.Chamber of Commerce Questionnaire 1- WHAT IN YOUR BACKGROUND MAKES YOU UNIQUELY QUALIFIED TO EVALUATE AND JUDGE BUSINESS ISSUES? I have very little background in private business. However, my experience with the Torrance Police Department was in many ways comparable to business concerns. In the 1970's I worked with businesses as a Forgery-Fraud investigator. In 1980, I was promoted to Police Sergeant, and began to work as a first line supervisor, handling personnel and performance issues, as well as technical and legal issues. I was later assigned to supervise the Department's Planning and Research Section which included the preparation and administration of the Department budget ($25 million at the time), including accounts payable, accounts receivable, as well as the payroll/timekeeping function. Subsequent assignments were heavily administrative in nature, and always involved budget, recruitment, hiring, performance, and discipline issues. I also participated in wage negotiations while serving on the Torrance Police Officers Association Board of Directors, and later as a management representative. Having experience in leadership roles in both labor and management positions, I am open to all potential points of view, and would be impartial in making my council related decisions, with the "best for Torrance" ideal being my primary consideration. 2- ARE YOU OR YOUR EMPLOYER A MEMBER OF THE TORRANCE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE? I have an individual membership. 3- WHAT IS YOUR OCCUPATION AND WHO IS YOUR EMPLOYER? I retired from the Torrance Police Department as a Police Captain in 2002, after thirty-two years of service. 4- WHERE AND HOW MIGHT THE CHAMBER AND CITY BETTER WORK TOGETHER ON ISSUES OF COMMON CONCERN? Communication between the Chamber and the City must be a priority for both groups. I would like to see regularly scheduled joint meetings on at least a quarterly basis. Meetings could be either formal or informal, but need to be on a regular basis in order to develop good working relationships whether or not there is a major problem on the table to be resolved. In view of the Brown Act, the Council would most likely choose to appoint a Council Committee for this purpose, rather than having a full Council in attendance. I would be happy to serve on such a committee. I also favor the membership and active participation of city management staff in the Chamber of Commerce for the same reasons. 5- WHAT ARE THE TOP 3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ISSUE FACING THE CITY OF TORRANCE, AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO ABOUT THESE?
I support the TUSD bond measure which is scheduled to be on the November 2008 ballot. The schools are in dire need of repairs, and JH Hull School needs to be re-built as soon as possible to allow students to attend classes in their own neighborhood, rather than being bussed across town. I believe that the desire to collaborate is already in place, in both the TUSD and the City. I would seek a meeting with TUSD at the earliest possible date in order to move the agenda forward. 7- ATTRACTING AND RETAINING BUSINESS IN TORRANCE IS KEY TO FINANCIAL RESOURCES THAT PROVIDE SERVICES TO ALL RESIDENTS OF TORRANCE. WHAT TYPE OF INCENTIVES OR PROGRAMS WOULD YOU RECOMMEND EXIST IN THE CITY OF TORRANCE TO ATTRACT NEW BUSINESS AND RETAIN LONG-TIME BUSINESS STABILITY IN OUR COMMUNITY? It is my understanding that the City Manager's Office has such a program already in operation. It would be a matter of making sure that the incentives we offer are at least as good as other nearby cities. If the program is not working, we need to talk to the business community to find out what it would take to make it successful. We (the City) need to listen and then find ways to meet those needs whenever possible. 8- DO YOU FAVOR A "DISCOVER TORRANCE" PROGRAM (RUN BY THE CHAMBER) TO MAKE TORRANCE MORE OF A VISITOR DESTINATION THROUGH THE ADDITION FINANCIAL COMMITMENT FROM THE CITY OF TORRANCE? IF SO, HOW MUCH? I am open to the idea of a "Discover Torrance" program, depending on its scope and focus. How will it differ from the "Destination Torrance" program which began years ago? What have we learned from that program that would help make "Discover Torrance" a success? Any additional funding commitment from the City would depend on the city budget status and the viability of the program concept presented. 9- MEASURE T WILL LEGITIMIZE THE 6.5% UTILITY TAX ON CELL PHONE AND POTENTIALLY MANY OTHER INTERNET-BASED COMMUNICATIONS SUCH AS TELE-PHONY. PROPOSITION 218 IS FORCING THIS VOTE BEFORE THE PEOPLE OF TORRANCE. ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF MEASURE T? OR BECAUSE THIS TAX ADDS SIGNIFICANT COST TO BUSINESS OWNERS OPERATING WITHIN THE CITY OF TORRANCE, WHY WOULD YOU SUPPORT OR OPPOSE THIS TAX? I support Measure T because it maintains the current utility tax base, rather than decrease the tax revenue to the City. Much as I might like to reduce the tax burden for the residents and businesses in the city, with the loss of State revenues to both TUSD and the City, every existing revenue source must be utilized to maintain City services at the highest possible level. I would be open to include the UUT as one possible incentive when trying to attract or retain businesses within the city, but only with some assurances as to the potential long-term benefit to the city. 10- WHAT IDEAS WOULD YOU HAVE AS A CITY COUNCILMEMBER TO REVITALIZE TORRANCE'S DOWNTOWN AREA? HOW COULD IT BE MADE INTO A DESTINATION POINT? I don't think we can successfully revitalize Downtown Torrance until we resolve the problem of limited parking for visitors, customers, employees and residents. We need to be able to offer something unique in the area to be able to draw shoppers and tourists. Perhaps we could package a half-day tour of historic buildings and locations and a visit to the Museum (perhaps with a tour guide with expertise in architectural issues), followed by lunch at one of the area restaurants and time to browse the shops. We could offer it as a shore excursion option foe the cruise ships which dock in San Pedro, and then re-evaluate the response to the excursion package, and make adjustments as necessary. 11- THE COST OF UNIFORM SIGNAGE THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF TORRANCE IS A COSTLY ENDEAVOR. WHAT STRATEGY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND TO ACHIEVE THIS IMPORTANT TASK THAT REPRESENTS THE COMMUNITY'S OVERALL BRAND OR IMAGE? How costly? It is surely not going to get any cheaper by waiting. If the entire city is going to benefit from the project, we need to get the entire city involved in the project. Perhaps a series of fundraisers to benefit the project: the City could donate space and staff time needed; businesses could participate based on the focus of the specific benefit (while getting the benefit of promoting their business); manufacturers could jointly or separately contribute something for a "Special Opportunity drawing" at the event; residents would attend and contribute financially by purchasing the goods and services provided. We could consider something on the scope of the Fourth of July celebration where we could draw in revenue from visitors to the area also. One event probably wouldn't cover the cost, but a series of different benefits might. Perhaps we could find someone with a contact to a big name performer who would donate all or part of his/her usual fees to the cause in exchange for publicity and the sale of their CD's/videos/or whatever. The big problem I see with this proposal (besides the amount of tiMe and effort it will require) is that I expect TUSD will be launching its own major fundraising endeavor shortly. We would be drawing from the same pool of resources, which might negate the benefit to both. Timing would be important. The extra benefit of this approach is the reinforcement of the feeling of community it could engender. 12- ANY OTHER INFORMATION YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD AS TO WHY THE TORRANCE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PAC SHOULD ENDORSE YOUR CANDIDACY? I am willing to spend the time and energy to establish and maintain strong, effective, working relationships with all components of the Torrance community. I recognize the important role of business in this community, and strongly favor the re-establishment of an emphasis on the "balanced city" concept to ensure that all segments of the city are equal partners in, and benefactors of, its progress and economic success. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: April 18, 2008 06:56
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