- Rights of Life, Liberty and Property
Life is precious at all stages and the Constitution rightly protects it. We should be able to live our lives without undue restrictions on our freedom. People have a right to be secure in their homes without fear of invasion of their privacy or seizure of their possessions. Real property should not be taken, except for important public use, and then only at the prevailing market value -- not at reduced value caused by the threat of seizure.
- Reduce Government Spending, Balance the Budget
Government spending has gone out of control, both in California and at the Federal level, where unfunded mandates are up in the trillions.
Governments need to be responsible, just as businesses are -- in order to be successful.
We need to take a hard look at these obligations and do some serious cutting back, or we will have to suffer the inflationary consequences of this uncontrolled spending.
- Enforce Immigration Laws
To be fair to those who immigrate legally, we need to stop illegal immigration.