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The main focus for me this primary election is to set the groundwork for change in the geographical boundaries of the 5th Assembly District, which overlaps substantially with the 3rd Congressional Distrct and the San Juan School Board. We have a good chance to take the 3rd Congressional District. The voter registration numbers have declined substantially for the Republicans, so there will be alot of opportunity with the San Juan School District to relect the 3 incumbents running for re-election and to defeat Dan Lungren. Most importantly on June 3rd in the 3rd Supervisor District for Sacramento County, we have an opportunity to make a huge change. Even though this is a non-partisan race, the "real choice" is between a Republican who endorses Dan Lungren and John Doolittle for Congress, is in the hip pocket of developers and took away health care benefits for County Retirees or a Democrat who will protect the American River Parkway and will be for working class families. For more information on the 3rd Supervisorial election on June 3rd, please e-mail me at and I will be happy to send you some information.