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Political Philosophy for Salud Carbajal
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Making Health Care Accessible - Lead a phased effort to fund and provide comprehensive health insurance and access to care for all uninsured children in our County. Expanded public health and mental health clinic services in Santa Barbara and Carpinteria. Fighting Traffic Congestion - Initiated implementation of a comprehensive regional plan to eliminate Highway 101 congestion through freeway widening, commuter rail, and enhanced transit. Established a partnership with major public and private employers to implement creative solutions to traffic congestion including staggered work hours, telecommuting, and incentives for carpooling. Protecting Our Public Safety - Worked to ensure that our First Responders have the resources and support necessary to protect our community. Secured funding for brush clearance and defensible space to prevent the spread of catastrophic wildfire, and partnered to plan and prepare our communities for potential natural disasters. Planning for the Future of Our Communities - Worked to secure funding and initiate sound community planning which protects the character of our neighborhoods through the updating of community plans in the Mission Canyon and Summerland communities. Advocated at the state level for local control of land use decisions. Improving Water Quality and Protecting Open Spaces - Worked to improve the water quality of our creeks and beaches through additional funding for clean water programs and the creation of a regional, multi-agency task force focused on enhancing coordination of our region's watershed protection efforts. Working to preserve and protect our open spaces from Carpinteria to the Gaviota Coast through the funding of conservation efforts and establishment of a transfer of development rights program. Creating Safe Routes to Schools - Partnered with local schools and parents to develop a plan that promotes safe pedestrian and bicycle access for children going to and from school. Recently completed projects include the Santa Rosa Pedestrian Bridge to Montecito Union School, a sidewalk in front of Summerland School, and roadway safety improvements near Cold Spring School. Reducing the Use of Pesticides in Our Parks - Worked to eliminate the use of pesticides in all South Coast County parks, and achieved significant pesticide reductions in flood control and transportation facilities. Convened a task force of diverse stakeholders charged with reducing the use of pesticides throughout the South Coast to foster regional collaboration. Making Government Accountable - Implemented a plan promoting a culture of customer service, efficiency, accountability and responsiveness throughout County Government. Created a Blue Ribbon Budget Review Commission which developed a series of successful recommended improvements to the County budget and organization. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: May 21, 2008 07:11
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