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I believe hard work is good for you. For the last 24 years I have worked hard as a Santa Clara County prosecutor to get the job done and to do it right. I have not called in sick since 1989 and the taxpayers have gotten their money's worth from me. I have not had any conviction reversed for prosecutor error or misconduct. As a Judge, I will continue to work hard to make sure the court is run with efficiently along with fairness and justice.
In regards to handling individual cases, it must be understood that all cases are different, that no two people are the same. Therefore, no two cases can be treated exactly the same. A judge must be open minded to the nuances of each case. A rigid mentality will make for a poor judge. Therefore, I will strive to be open minded in all cases. It is my belief that there are only a few truly evil people and that most criminals are simply people who have made the wrong choices and have gone down the wrong path. I believe in rehabilitating as many criminals as possible. As a judge I can help them, but I cannot force rehabilitation on anyone. Rehabilitation must come from the heart, the heart of each individual. As a judge I can help those who want to be helped.