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Political Philosophy for Sandra Lang
Candidate for |
The three priorities campaign finance reform, election integrity ,affordable and accessible health care and a fair living wage are intricately related to each other as well as to the Democratic value system in general. Campaign finance reform is urgently needed to insure that the ordinary person can bring his or her talents to the political arena.It is also necessary to limit the excessive special interest funding and dominance in the electoral process. Election integrity is sustainable through the constant inclusion of citizens in the electoral process ,openess and transparency in all phases and levels of the election process. Involvement in the everyday aspects of party politics is a critical part of maintaining election integrity.It simply is not enough to become involved when the excitement of a national campaign is upon us, as fun as that can be. Election integrity is an ongoing process, at the grassroots,for the sustenance of equality and fairness for all. The pressing need to take care of all Americans, and particlarly the most vulnerable , requires immediate action.The circular system of poverty, poor health care and the resultant social costs for all of us demand reform that can free the social policy decisionmaking from special interests that work against a healthier, more economically equal society. |
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