This is a copy of information submitted to elections officials by the candidate
I am applying for the job of Supervisor - representing 5th district residents on the executive team that manages the $1.3 billion/4,000 employee Sonoma County government. My qualifications include leadership in problem-solving and organizational management - plus core beliefs in environmental and social justice.
I began my adult life as a seminarian and spent several years in social service: organizing farm workers, inner city school teaching, and fighting irresponsible development. When marriage and children required earning enough to support my family, I moved first into the academic world, teaching ethics at a university and later becoming a university administrator. Eventually, I moved into a 22-year career in business, where I turned out to be surprisingly good at financial and business management. I moved rapidly up the ranks to become, director, vice president, or president of several companies, including billion-dollar operations like Oracle as well as start-ups like Nextbus.
Now that my children are raised, I have returned to my first passion - community service - and immersed myself in non-profit volunteer work. My strong social and environmental values combined with highly developed management skills make me an ideal fit to help manage Sonoma County during the coming budget crisis.