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In 1996 we moved to Fremont after my husband started his own computer engineering company in Fremont. Due to the success of his company I was able to stay at home and volunteer my time in my daughter's schools. When I saw the effects of overloading I wanted to try and help the district find a solution so I joined the districts Community Facilities Committee. In the past twelve years my four daughters have attended 7 different school in Fremont Unified and I have served on 13 different committees. I have been involved at the school and district level and I have donated time to several local children's charities. I have made efforts to ensure that our students have a rich educational experience. When I have disagreed with school or district policies I have worked towards change. When I have had ideas that I thought would improve our schools I have championed implementation. I have had the pleasure of working with many dedicated parents, teachers, staff and administrators for whom education is a passion. I would like the opportunity to continue this work as a member of the Fremont Unified School District Board of Education. With your support I hope to have that chance.