Water Conservation and Water Recycling
The State of California is currently facing water shortages stemming from over-pumping water exports from the Delta and the resulting adverse effects on the environment. These water shortgages effect our District, because we receive approximately 80% of our water supply from the Delta. To prepare for drought and water shortages, we need to recognize what a valuable commodity oour water is, and use it wisely. I am an longtime supporter of water conservation and water recycling efforts. I am the current President of a joint powers authority (DERWA) between DSRSD and EBMUD which operates one of the largest and most comprehensive water recycling projects in the country. When we use recycled water to irrigate golf courses, for example, we save millions of gallons of potable water. That savings will protect us in a drought or water shortgage. Further expansion of water recycling efforts, and implementation of financial incentives to improve water conservation, will protect our environment for current and future residents.