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Measure A Bond Measure John Swett Unified School District 55% Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Dec 2 8:18pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (14/14) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Tax Rate Statement | Full Text | ||||
To modernize, upgrade, equip and furnish John Swett High School and its related athletic and support facilities, to provide improved, safe, and technologically advanced academic and athletic facilities, and to become eligible for state matching funds for school facilities including joint-use and career technical education facilities, shall the John Swett Unified School District issue $20,000,000 in bonds at interest rates within the legal limit subject to the accountability safeguards required by law?
By resolution, the John Swett Unified School District has proposed that bonds of the District be issued in an amount up to $20,000,000. This measure provides that proceeds from the sale of the bonds will generally be used to "modernize, upgrade, equip and furnish John Swett High School and its related athletic and support facilities, to provide improved, safe, and technologically advanced academic and athletic facilities, and to become eligible for state matching funds for school facilities including joint-use and career technical education facilities." The specific projects are set forth in the bond project list attached to the resolution of the Board of Education. The measure provides that a citizens' oversight committee will be established to ensure that bond proceeds are properly expended and that annual performance and financial audits will be conducted. The measure further provides that bond proceeds will only be used for the purposes specified in the measure, and not for any other purpose. Approval of this measure authorizes the levy of ad valorem taxes upon taxable property in the District to repay the bonded indebtedness, both principal and interest, in each year that bonds are outstanding. The District has prepared a Tax Rate Statement, which represents the District's best estimates of the property tax rates required to service the bonds. The estimated average annual tax rate required to be levied to fund the bonds is expected to be $42.06 per $100,000 of assessed valuation over the life of the bonds. Approval of the measure does not guarantee that the proposed project or projects in the District that are the subject of bonds under the measure will be funded beyond the local revenues generated by the measure. The proposed project or projects may assume the receipt of matching state funds, which could be subject to appropriation by the Legislature or approval of a statewide bond measure. A "yes" vote authorizes the issuance of the bonds and the levy of taxes as estimated in the Tax Rate Statement to repay the bonded indebtedness. A "yes" vote by 55% of the voters within the District voting on the measure is required for passage of this measure. A "no" vote on this measure disapproves the issuance of the bonds and the levy of the taxes for the bonded indebtedness.
Official Information
Arguments For Measure A | Arguments Against Measure A |
In 1927 John Swett Union High School proudly opened in Crockett. Just eight years later an earthquake struck and necessitated a retrofit of the still new school. No major renovations have been done on the school since that time. The communities served by the school are now faced with an 81 year old facility in desperate need of major repair if the building is going to meet current State standards for classroom size and safety codes.
Since the building of a new school would be much more expensive than a major remodeling of the current school, the John Swett Unified School District governing board has committed $6.6 million from the sale of Hillcrest, $6 million in State Emergency Repair funds and will apply for $6.5 million in additional State funds for this project. Unfortunately this is not enough to complete all of the work needed. In order to avoid the unnecessary cost of re-opening walls and displacing students for longer periods of time, the school board has approved Measure A to raise $20 million for the completion of a comprehensive facilities plan for John Swett High School. The plans include a new library, expanded classrooms, new science, computer, music and arts facilities, improved athletic facilities including a synthetic playing field, an all weather track, and an expansion of the gym. The upgraded facilities will be more energy efficient and will help to raise the value of local property. Measure A, which will cost local property owners only $42.06 per $100,000.00 of assessed valuation will make a huge difference in the educational experience of our students and represents the most cost effective chance our communities have to turn John Swett into a twenty-first century facility while retaining its unique charm. Yes on Measure A. William Concannon, JSUSD Board President Holly Myers, JSUSD Board Member Brian Colombo, JSUSD Board Clerk Benita Shaw-Malone, JSUSD Board Member Norma Clerici, JSUSD Board Member
Tax Rate Statement |
An election will be held in the John Swett Unified School District (the "District") on November 4, 2008, to authorize the sale of up to $20,000,000 in bonds of the District to improve the quality of education by constructing new facilities and modernizing and improving aging local schools. If the bonds are approved, the District expects to sell the bonds in a single series. Principal and interest on the bonds will be payable from the proceeds of tax levies made upon the taxable property in the District. The following information is provided in compliance with Sections 9400-9404 of the Elections Code of the State of California.
Based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of this statement:
1. The best estimate of the tax that would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the first series of bonds, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $0.04202 per $100 ($42.02 per $100,000) of assessed valuation in fiscal year 2009-10.
2. The best estimate of the tax that would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the last series of bonds, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $0.04202 per $100 ($42.02 per $100,000) of assessed valuation in fiscal year 2009-10.
3. The best estimate of the highest tax rate which would be required to fund this bond issue, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $0.04217 per $100 ($42.17 per $100,000) of assessed valuation.
4. The best estimate of the average annual tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $0.04206 per $100 ($42.06 per $100,000) of assessed valuation. Voters should note that estimated tax rate is based on the assessed value of taxable property on the County's official tax rolls, not on the property's market value. In addition, taxpayers eligible for a property tax exemption, such as the homeowner's exemption, will be taxed at a lower effective tax rate than described above. Certain taxpayers may also be eligible to postpone payment of taxes. Property owners should consult their own property tax bills and the County Assessor to determine their property's assessed value and any applicable tax exemptions. Attention of all voters is directed to the fact that the foregoing information is based upon the District's projections and estimates only, which are not binding upon the District. The actual tax rates and the years in which they will apply may vary from those presently estimated, due to variations from these estimates in the timing of bond sales, the amount of bonds sold and market interest rates at the time of each sale, and actual assessed valuations over the term of repayment of the bonds. The dates of sale and the amount of bonds sold at any given time will be determined by the District based on need for construction funds and other factors. The actual interest rates at which the bonds will be sold will depend on the bond market at the time of each sale. Actual future assessed valuation will depend upon the amount and value of taxable property within the District as determined by the County Assessor in the annual assessment and the equalization process. Dated: July 9, 2008.
Bryan C. Richards, Business Manager
Full Text of Measure A |
To modernize, upgrade, equip and furnish John Swett High School and its related athletic and support facilities, to provide improved, safe, and technologically advanced academic and athletic facilities, and to become eligible for state matching funds for school facilities including joint-use and career technical education facilities, shall the John Swett Unified School District issue $20,000,000 in bonds at interest rates within the legal limit subject to the accountability safeguards required by law?
This bond project list shall be considered a part of the ballot bond measure. The bond project list includes the specific projects the District proposes to finance with proceeds of the bonds. Listed repairs, construction, rehabilitation projects and upgrades will be completed as needed. Each project is assumed to include its share of costs of the election and bond issuance, architectural, engineering, legal and similar planning costs, construction management, and a customary contingency for unforeseen design and construction costs. The final cost of each project will be determined as plans are finalized, construction bids are awarded, and projects are completed. In addition, certain construction funds expected from non-bond sources, including joint-use funds and State grant funds for eligible projects, have not yet been secured. The specific projects proposed to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds are identified below. The specific school facilities projects to be funded are: construction, modernization, furnishing and equipping the District's facilities and the related athletic and support facilities at the following location:
1. John Swett High School. Such projects shall include, but not be limited to:
Evaluation of Needs. The Board of Trustees of the District ("Board") hereby certifies that it has evaluated safety, class size reduction and information technology needs in developing the school facilities projects to be funded. Annual Performance Audit. The Board will conduct or cause to be conducted annual independent performance audits to ensure that the proceeds from the Bond have been expended only on the specified school facilities projects listed above. Annual Financial Audit. The Board will conduct or cause to be conducted an annual, independent financial audit of the bond proceeds until all of those proceeds have been spent for the school facilities projects listed above. Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee. Pursuant to Education Code Section 15278, the Board will appoint an independent citizens' oversight committee to inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues and assure that funds are spent only for the purpose of school facilities improvements. Annual Report to Board. Upon approval of this bond measure and the sale of any bonds approved, the Board shall take actions necessary to establish an account in which proceeds of the sale of bonds will be deposited. As long as any proceeds of the bonds remain unexpended, the Business Manager of the District shall cause a report to be filed with the Board no later than January 1 of each year, commencing January 1, 2010, stating (1) the amount of bond proceeds received and expended in that year, and (2) the status of any project funded or to be funded from bond proceeds. The report may relate to the calendar year, fiscal year, or other appropriate annual period as the Business Manager of the District shall determine, and may be incorporated into the annual budget, audit, or other appropriate routine report to the Board.
No Administrator Salaries. As required by the California Constitution, the proceeds from the sale of bonds will be used only for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or replacement of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of school facilities, or the acquisition or lease of real property for school facilities and not for any other purpose, such as teacher and administrator salaries or other school operating expenses. Single Purpose. All of the purposes enumerated in this bond measure shall be united and voted upon as one single bond measure, pursuant to Education Code Section 15100, and all the enumerated purposes shall constitute the specific single purpose of the bonds and proceeds of the bonds shall be spent only for such purpose. Other Terms of the Bonds. The Bonds proposed to be issued and sold shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding the statutory limit per annum, and the number of years any series of the Bonds are to run shall not exceed twenty-five (25) years from the date of the Bonds or the date of the series thereof in the event the Bonds are issued pursuant to the Education Code, and shall not exceed forty (40) years from the date of the Bonds or the date of any series thereof in the event the Bonds are issued pursuant to the Government Code. Approval of Measure A does not guarantee that the proposed project or projects in the John Swett Unified School District that are the subject of bonds under Measure A will be funded beyond the local revenues generated by Measure A. The school district's proposal for the project or projects may assume the receipt of matching state funds, which could be subject to appropriation by the Legislature or approval of a statewide bond measure. |