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Measure VV Special Tax Measure Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District 2/3 Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Dec 2 8:18pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (831/831)
Includes 121/121 Precincts in Contra Costa County as of Dec 2 8:18pm Includes 710/710 Precincts in Alameda County as of Nov 25 10:26am |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | | ||||
To preserve affordable local public transportation that allows seniors and people with disabilities to remain independent, takes students to and from school, provides transportation alternatives given skyrocketing gas prices, helps residents commute to work and reduces traffic and greenhouse gas emissions by getting cars off the road shall the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) increase its existing parcel tax by $4 per parcel, per month for ten years with independent oversight and all money staying local?
The District has the authority to levy special taxes upon approval by two-thirds of the votes cast on the special tax measure pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 of Article XIII A and Section 2 of Article XIII C of the California Constitution; sections 50075-50077 and 53722 of the California Government Code; and section 25892.1 of the California Public Utilities Code. If two-thirds of the qualified electors voting on this measure vote for approval, a special tax will be imposed annually for ten years at the rate of ninety-six dollars ($96.00) on each taxable parcel beginning July 1, 2009. The tax will be collected by the Alameda and Contra Costa County Treasurer-Tax Collectors at the same time and in the same manner as each county's collection of taxes. The owner(s) of a parcel that is exempt from property taxes, that is undeveloped or that is developed but vacant for more than six months in any one year (July 1 through June 30) is exempt from the imposition of this special tax upon application to the District. The measure further provides that the monies collected shall be accounted for separately and shall be expended only for those specified purposes. A community oversight committee will report to and advise the District about the expenditure of the proceeds of the special tax. If two-thirds of the qualified electors voting on this measure do not vote for approval, the measure will fail, and the District will not be authorized to extend and increase the levy of the special tax and the levy would remain forty-eight ($48.00) on each taxable parcel through 2013.
The above statement is an impartial analysis of Measure V V. If you desire an additional copy of the measure, please call the AC Transit District Secretary's Office at (510) 891-7284 and a copy will be mailed at no cost to you.
Nonpartisan Information League of Women Voters EventsTelevised Pros & Cons Presentations
Arguments For Measure VV | Arguments Against Measure VV | ||
AC Transit bus services benefit us all by:
Measure V V is on the ballot to provide a stable source of local funding to maintain affordable public transportation for East Bay residents. Measure V V funds will be used to:
An independent citizens oversight committee will ensure that all funds are spent responsibly and only for the purposes approved by voters. All funds will stay here in the East Bay to provide safe, reliable and affordable public transportation. Help seniors and people with disabilities remain independent. Help children get to and from school. Keep cars off the road and protect the environment. Please vote Yes on V V.
Sheila Jordan, Alameda County
Jan Garrett, Disability Advocate
Marion Taylor, Vice President
Wendy L. Alfsen, Chair
Andy Montgomery, President United Seniors of Alameda County
Measure V V raises $14 million a year for ten years, far more than needed for a one-time budget shortfall. AC Transit has mismanaged its money, squandering millions on big, noisy, dangerous, diesel Van Hool buses from Belgium ("Buses from Hell," East Bay Express). Clean-air American buses could have been reimbursed 80% by the Feds via Buy American Act! Then AC Transit would not need another tax. AC Transit's diesel buses spew dust and toxic particulates, creating unhealthy environments for all in our commercial corridors. AC Transit has asked for our financial support for years. We pay, while they eliminate local buses and force big Van Hool buses, often running empty, into narrow avenues between North Oakland and Richmond. AC Transit is NOT affordable for many, at $1.75 for a short trip and 25 cents for one transfer. Measure VV won't make AC Transit more affordable. It would be affordable and increase revenues, to reduce fares during off-peak travel. Near empty buses at $1.75 could be full with off-peak $1 fares and unlimited transfers between 10am and 3pm. The popular small DASH buses in L.A. cost 40 cents, 10 cents for seniors! AC Transit could benefit financially by providing deeply discounted (ECO) passes for all, a proven money+maker for transit. ECO-passes can be financed by many ways including parking fees, and can greatly reduce congestion and global warming gases. Vote NO on Measure V V! Merrilie Mitchell | The proposed AC Transit parcel tax is unfair in many ways.
Measure V V is unfair to low income homeowners, because all homeowners pay the same tax, regardless of income or home value. Low-income homeowners would pay $96 a year, while affluent renters pay nothing. At a time when people are losing their homes to foreclosure in record numbers, is it responsible to burden financially strapped homeowners with more taxes? Should voters who do not own property have the right to levy a 10-year tax on property owners? If AC Transit needs more revenue, it should increase ridership by offering needed service, rather than focusing on clogging one route (1R) with massive noisy buses that are often empty. AC Transit could benefit financially by providing discounted (Eco) Passes for all, a proven moneymaker for transit, and serious step to reducing greenhouse gases. The 1R line is a trial balloon for the controversial BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), with plans for major corridors in the East Bay. This parcel tax seems to be a back-door attempt to grab millions of dollars for the BRT scheme. According to AC Transit literature, BRT's main benefit is Redevelopment! The draft EIR for BRT shows no significant reduction in energy consumption or air pollution. BRT will use buses that get 3.5 miles per gallon of diesel fuel. BRT is not Green! We need safe, clean-air buses! It is disingenuous to call this a temporary tax. It will be a tax for perpetuity. The existing AC Transit parcel tax was $48 a year for five years. Now they want $96 a year for 10 years. One can predict with certainty that if this tax is approved, AC Transit will subsequently seek to increase the tax rate again and extend the tax further into the future. VOTE NO ON MEASURE V V Merrilie Mitchell
The lone opponent is upset about a specific local issue and overlooks all the important reasons to support Measure V V:
Please vote YES vote on V V.
Sheila Jordan, Superintendent of Schools
Jan Garrett, Disability Advocate
Marion Taylor, Vice President
Wendy L. Alfsen, Chair
Andy Montgomery, President