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Political Philosophy for Gary S. Agopian
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Gary Agopian on the Issues facing Contra Costa County County Budget There have been four Grand Jury reports on the $2.6 billion unmet liability in the retirement medical benefits package for County employees. This is the biggest issue facing Contra Costa County today. I am very concerned that without financial stability in our county budgets, vital services to families and kids will be reduced. The subject of poor management of county finances has received generous news coverage in the media. In addition, Contra Costa's $2.6 billion retirement liability is larger than the five counties of Orange, Alameda, Riverside, San Diego, and Sacramento Counties combined. The County Board of Supervisors has been yielding to special interests. District 5 deserves a leader who has the ability to make the tough decisions in both good and bad economic times. Transportation We live in a transportation "cul de sac". Although funding has been approved and construction has started on widening Hwy 4, we need to "connect the dots" by extending the highway all the way to the 580 corridor. Only then will we open up the possibilities for real economic growth. We should also take advantage of using Bryon Airport as a commercial epicenter to help stimulate our local economy. The residents of East County have been paying into the BART system for over 40 years and we deserve to get what we paid for. Jobs and Economic Development As a member of the Antioch Economic Development Commission for three years, I have learned that in order to improve our local economy we need to attract businesses with high paying salaries to our region. Planned economic development should utilize the latest thinking around the health careers and attract those employers. This fall, Dozier Libbey Medical High School is opening in Antioch. It is the only specialty medical high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was developed with this vision and innovation in mind. I'm proud to be a part of it. Environment As your District 5 Supervisor I can assure you that I am committed to improving air quality, drinking water standards and protecting our environment and open spaces from over-development. . I also believe that we should explore ways to incorporate "green" energy and other environmentally friendly resources into our general plan. Crime Crime is a major concern of every citizen in Contra Costa County. In order to get a better perspective of what police officers encounter on a daily basis, I have participated in several "ride a-longs" with different law enforcement agencies during work hours and in neighborhoods where crime and violence has residents living in constant fear. This experience has given me a profound respect for law enforcement personnel who put their lives in harms way everyday to protect and serve our community. As your County Supervisor, I will work diligently to reduce crime in all neighborhoods and make very effort to provide our law enforcement officers with the resources they need to make East County a safer place to live. As a school board member, I am on record of standing firm with those who put their lives on the line to protect us. As your County Supervisor, I would be just as committed to every neighborhood and in every community as I am in the Antioch School District. Protecting Our Homes My 28 years as a professional, working with nationally recognized corporations, has taught me the value of hard work. Five years ago, I left the corporate world and became a local realtor specializing in residential sales. I have watched with concern the drop in home property values and the resulting increase in hard working folks losing their homes to foreclosure. This single issue has negatively affected more people in East County than anything else. Neighborhood blight and crime and the accompanying lower property values has resulted in lowering tax base and the ability of the cities and county to provide quality services. I will work tirelessly to assist homeowners by reducing tax liability through Prop. 8 with the County Assessor, I will encourage home buyer counseling, loan work outs, effective first time buyer programs and holding banks accountable for maintaining properties. Personal Commitment I believe communities should hold their elected representatives personally accountable. To that end, I promise to be easily accessible. If you have any questions, please call me directly - 978-0938. Gary |
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