This information is provided by the candidate
Four years ago I promised to bring fiscal responsibility to the Office of the City Treasurer and I am proud of the positive changes I brought to this office.
By changing the travel policy, I saved the City over $26,000.00 a year in "meal per diem" alone. As your elected representative, I am the only treasurer in the history of the City to review every warrant issued by the City. At the onset of the current economic downturn, I made sure the City's funds were not subject to risky mortgage bonds and that our investments are always rated "A to AAA". I revised the Investment Advisory Committee to be more functional and for the last four years we have been in 100% compliance with the City Investment Policy. I participated in the committee that changed water bill payments to a "lock box" system that provides faster payment processing and increased productivity in the water department.
My fourteen years in banking combined with the last four years as City Treasurer have given me the knowledge and experience needed to be your watchdog into the City's finances. The taxpayers of Antioch deserve to have an experienced, independent person to protect your tax dollars and insure these monies are invested according to approved City, State and Federal policy. I assure you I will continue to protect the taxpayers' monies through any economic cycle.
I would appreciate your vote.
Thank you,
Donna Conley